RNS Number:5637Q
Sappi Ld
28 January 2002


Press Release
Johannesburg, 28th January 2002

Geographic spread helps Sappi in difficult first quarter

Sappi, the world's leading producer of coated fine paper, today announced
results for the first quarter 2002.


- Impact of September 11th felt in quarter, but group holds up well

- Weak performance by North American operations partly offset by robust
  performances from Europe and South Africa

- Performance dented by one off maintenance shuts of major profit contributing

- Strong balance sheet maintained

Commenting on the results, Sappi Executive Chairman, Eugene van As, said: "As
anticipated, the Group continued to experience difficult market conditions
during the first quarter, but held up well overall. Much of the impact of
September 11th was felt in this quarter with the North American market
particularly weak. The results were further impacted on by the fact that two
of our largest operations took their 30-month maintenance shuts in the
period. This impact, which would previously have been spread over 30 months,
was reflected in the quarter as per the new International Accounting Standard
(IAS) guideline. However, we benefited from the geographic spread of our
assets as both Europe and South Africa continued to perform well despite
challenging trading conditions in their markets, this offsetting some of the
difficulties in North America."

Results for the Quarter

These difficult conditions lead to sales volumes which were 10% below the
same quarter last year, excluding Mobile (which was closed at the end of last
year). Average prices in US$ were 14% lower than a year ago. This reflects in
part the change in other currencies vs. the US$ and in part real price
reductions. However, manufacturing costs continued to be well controlled.

In this environment the group did well to achieve an EBITDA margin of 17%
which lead to net profit before exceptional items of US$31 million, although
this was 62% below last year. Earnings per share before exceptional items
were 14 US cents. After one-time adjustments for refinancing the North
American 14% debentures and the closure of Transcript Mill, net profit was
US$22 million and basic earnings per share were 10 US cents.

Despite these adverse market conditions, the group generated a robust cash
flow (EBITDA) for the quarter of US$148 million. Capital expenditure
continued to be below depreciation and amounted to US$67 million.

The group continues to maintain a strong balance sheet, although net debt
increased slightly in September from US$1,128 million to US$1,156 million.
The net debt to total capitalisation ratio was affected by the US$ value of
our Euro and Rand assets, but is an acceptable 35%. This ratio will vary from
time to time with currency changes.

Net finance costs for the quarter were US$25 million, which included the cost
of marking foreign exchange contracts to market and other foreign exchange
losses of US$7 million.

The group declared a dividend of 26 US cents per share for the year ended
September 2001, which was paid to shareholders on 14 January 2002. Whilst the
dividend increase in US$ terms was modest, the dividend showed the excellent
Rand hedge quality for South African shareholders as it increased in Rand
terms by approximately 65%.

Fine Paper

Commenting on the fine paper division's overall performance, Bill Sheffield,
Fine Paper CEO said: "Market conditions for Sappi Fine Paper were difficult
in the quarter. In addition to the general global economic slowdown, the
recession in the US and the additional adverse impact of 11 September had a
strong detrimental effect on our business. These conditions resulted in a 24%
fall in sales compared to last year. Despite this, the division's operating
margin fell only 3.3 percentage points. We continued to curtail production in
Europe and North America to balance supply with demand".

"Against very tough market conditions the division held up well. The North
American business was particularly affected, but our ability to supply part
of the US market with high quality European paper at good margins once again
proves the benefits of our strategy to have well-invested assets in each
major global market".

The closure of the Transcript Mill is progressing well, with a complete exit
from the carbonless business expected by March 2002.

He went on to say: "The outlook for our European and South African businesses
is stable. In North America we believe the situation has bottomed. In both
Europe and North America, consumer inventories are extremely low and we are
well positioned to benefit from the upturn in demand when it comes".

Forest Products

John Job, Forest Products CEO commented: "Our southern African markets were
stable during the quarter and both our forest products and global fine paper
businesses remain strong Rand hedges for the group. Local costs were driven
down in US$ terms and local selling prices now lag those of imported
competitors. Sales volumes dropped 10% on last year, but the operating margin
at 16% and return on net operating assets at 11.9% were both good under the
adverse market conditions.

South African demand for pulp and paper products had been reasonably strong
during the quarter, however export markets continued to be depressed.
Dissolving pulp markets remained soft and were characterised by high customer
inventories and low prices. There had been some firming in international
unbleached kraft pulp markets recently but generally, prices remained steady,
albeit at low levels.

Referring to efforts to secure the future of Sappi's Usutu pulp mill in
Swaziland, Job indicated that agreement had been reached with the labour
union and the restructuring would follow in the next quarter. "We are
confident that completion of this restructuring will secure Usutu's position
as a competitive and profitable mill," he said.

Job confirmed that the outlook for the Forest Products business is better for
the balance of the year. Any improvement in world economic conditions will
have an immediate impact. In the short term, the benefit of the weaker Rand
will improve margins and enable the division to maintain its planned US$


Sappi expects order levels to improve as the year progresses. The US economy
has bottomed and may rebound. Evidence exists that end-user consumption of
coated woodfree paper has declined much less over the past year than
shipments and that much of the decline in apparent demand stemmed from a
reduction of inventory in the supply chain. Shipments are expected to rise
modestly to match consumption and there is the potential for a significant
rebound in demand if merchants and end-users start to bring their inventories
back up to normal levels.

Commenting on the outlook, Eugene van As said: "We operate in a challenging
environment, but the geographic spread of our assets will continue to allow
us to take advantage of strong markets and weak currencies, and reduce the
impact of fluctuations in regional demand on our business. "We are cautiously
optimistic" van As indicated. "Barring further deterioration of the global
economic outlook, we expect earnings per share for the rest of the year to
improve and reach a similar level to those seen in the last financial quarter
of our 2001 year."



Certain statements in this report that are neither reported financial results
nor other historical information, are forward-looking statements, including,
but not limited to statements that are predictions of or indicate future
events, trends, plans or objectives. Undue reliance should not be placed on
such statements because, by their nature, they are subject to known and
unknown risks and uncertainties and can be affected by other factors, that
could cause actual results and company plans and objectives to differ
materially from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements
(or from past results). Such risks, uncertainties and factors include, but
are not limited to the highly cyclical nature of the pulp and paper industry
(and the factors that contribute to such cyclicality, such as levels of
demand, production capacity, production and pricing), adverse changes in the
markets for the group's products, consequences of substantial leverage,
changing regulatory requirements, unanticipated production disruptions,
economic and political conditions in international markets, the impact of
investments, acquisitions and dispositions (including related financing) and
currency fluctuations. The company undertakes no obligation to publicly
update or revise any of these forward-looking statements, whether to reflect
new information or future events or circumstances or otherwise.

Released on behalf of Sappi by Brunswick, telephone +27 (0) 11-442 8803

For further information contact:

Andre F Oberholzer, Corporate Affairs and Communication Manager
Sappi Limited
+27(0) 11-407 8044 work (direct)
+27(0) 11-403 8236 fax
+27(0) 82-906 0638 cellular

Paul Leslie-Smith, Group Investor Relations Manager
Sappi Limited
+27(0) 11-407 8391 (direct)
+27(0) 11-403 1493 fax
+27(0) 82-905 0020 cellular


December 2001

                                                     Quarter ended
                                          December     September    December
                                              2001          2001        2000

  Sales (US$ million)                          832           998       1,115

  Operating profit (US$ million)                65            91         143

  EBITDA (US$ million)                         148           175         237

  Operating profit to sales (%)                7.8           9.1        12.8

  EBITDA to sales (%)                         17.8          17.5        21.3

  Operating profit to average net              8.8          11.1        15.8
  assets (%)

  EPS before exceptional items                  14            23          34
  (Headline) (US cents)

  Basic EPS (US cents)                          10            20          34

  Return on equity (%)                         6.3           9.9        20.1

  Net Debt (US$ million)                     1,156         1,128       1,269

  * Before Mobile closure costs

Group income statement

                                              Quarter ended
  US$ million                     December 2001    December 2000     % change

  Sales                                     832            1,115       (25.4)

  Cost of sales                             689              882

  Gross profit                              143              233       (38.6)

  Selling, general &                         78               90
  administrative expenses

  Operating profit                           65              143       (54.5)

  Non-trading loss                           12                1

  Net finance costs                          25               24

  Net paid *                                 32               32

  Capitalised                               (7)              (8)

  Profit before tax                          28              118

  Taxation - current                        (9)               23
           - deferred                        15               13

  Net profit                                 22               82

  EBITDA                                    148              237       (37.7)

  Basic earnings per share                   10               34
  (US cents)

  Earnings before exceptional items
  (Headline earnings) per share              14               34
  (US cents)

  Weighted average number of              229.7            238.9
  shares in issue (millions)

  Diluted earnings per share                  9               34
  (US cents)

  Diluted earnings before
  exceptional items
  (Headline earnings) per share              13               34
  (US cents)

  Weighted average number of
  shares on fully
  diluted basis (millions)                233.2            245.0

  Calculation of Earnings before exceptional
  items (Headline) net of tax

  Net profit                                 22               82

  Mill closure costs                          4                -

  Debt restructuring costs                    6                -

  Decrease in provisions                    (1)              (1)

  Earnings before exceptional                31               81
  items (Headline)

  * Includes foreign exchange losses of US$ 7 million (December 2000: US$ 1m)

Group balance sheet

                                                 Unaudited           Audited
  US$ million                                December 2001    September 2001


  Non-current assets                                 3,076             3,346

  Property, plant and equipment                      2,693             2,890
  Plantations                                          247               324
  Deferred taxation                                      -                 4
  Other non-current assets                             136               128

  Current assets                                     1,010             1,160

  Cash and cash equivalents                            245               445
  Trade and other receivables                          263               202
  Inventories                                          502               513
  Total assets                                       4,086             4,506


  Shareholders' equity
  Ordinary shareholders' interest                    1,287             1,503

  Minority interest                                      2                 3

  Non-current liabilities                            1,502             1,640

  Interest-bearing borrowings                          912             1,014
  Deferred taxation                                    355               385
  Other non-current liabilities                        235               241

  Current liabilities                                1,295             1,360

  Interest-bearing borrowings and bank               _______________________
   overdraft                                           489               559
  Other current liabilities                            806               801

  Total equity and liabilities                       4,086             4,506

  Number of shares in issue (millions)               229.7             229.5

  Net debt (US$ million)                             1,156             1,128

  Net debt to total capitalisation (%)                35.2              30.4

  Net asset value per share (US cents)                 715               821

Group cash flow statement


                                                        Quarter ended
US$ million                                     December 2001   December 2000
  Cash generated by operations                            130            231

  Movement in working capital                           (100)           (80)
  Net finance costs                                      (32)           (32)
  Taxation paid                                           (1)            (1)

  Cash retained from operating activities                 (3)            118

  Cash effects of investing activities                   (63)           (94)

                                                         (66)             24
  Cash effects of financing activities                   (115)         (109)
  Net movement in cash and cash equivalents              (181)          (85)

Group statement of changes in shareholders' equity

                                                          Quarter ended
  US$ million                                     December 2001  December 2000

  Balance - beginning of year                             1,503          1,618

  Net profit                                                 22             82

  Foreign currency translation reserve                    (193)             17

  Revaluation of derivative instruments                      14              -

  Dividends declared - US$ 0.26
  (2001: US$ 0.25) per share                               (60)           (60)

  Net transfers to share
  purchase trust (share buybacks)                             1            (8)
  Balance - end of period                                 1,287          1,649


Notes to the group results

1. Basis of preparation
The group results have been prepared in conformity with South African
Statements of Generally Accepted Accounting Practice. The same accounting
policies have been followed as in the annual financial statements for
September 2001.

The financial results for the quarter have been reviewed by the group's
auditors, Deloitte & Touche.  Their report is available for inspection at the
company's registered offices.

                                                      Quarter ended

   US$ million                              December 2001     December 2000
   2. Operating Profit
   Included in operating profit are:

   Depreciation                                        72                80
   Fellings                                             7                 8
   Amortisation                                         4                 6
                                                       83                94

   3. Capital expenditure
   Fixed assets                                        62                86
   Plantations                                          5                 7
                                                       67                93

                                                Unaudited           Audited
   US$ million                              December 2001    September 2001

   4. Capital commitments
   Contracted but not provided                         48                78
   Approved but not contracted                         97               109
                                                      145               187

   5. Contingent liabilities
   Guarantees and suretyships                          73                79
   Other contingent liabilities                        20                27

   Regional Information
                                                  Quarter ended
                                                December  December          %
 US$ million                                        2001      2000     change
  Sales - Metric tons (000's)

  Fine Paper -                 North America         218       328     (33.5)
                               Europe                518       563      (8.0)
                               Southern Africa        73        71       2.8
                               Total                 809       962     (15.9)

  Forest Products                                    560       621      (9.8)

  Total                                            1,369     1,583     (13.5)


  Fine Paper -                 North America         239       395     (39.5)
                               Europe                410       466     (12.0)
                               Southern Africa        48        57     (15.8)
                               Total                 697       918     (24.1)

  Forest Products                                    135       197     (31.5)

  Total                                              832     1,115     (25.4)

  Operating profit

  Fine Paper -                 North America         (10)       18         -
                               Europe                 39        54     (27.8)
                               Southern Africa         7         6      16.7
                               Total                  36        78     (53.8)

  Forest Products                                     22        62     (64.5)

  Corporate                                            7         3     133.3

  Total                                               65       143     (54.5)

  Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation
  charges *

  Fine Paper -                 North America          15        46     (67.4)
                               Europe                 77        92     (16.3)
                               Southern Africa         9         9         -
                               Total                 101       147     (31.3)

  Forest Products                                     40        87     (54.0)

  Corporate                                            7         3     133.3

  Total                                              148       237     (37.6)

  Net operating assets

  Fine Paper -                 North America       1,085     1,238     (12.4)
                               Europe              1,299     1,428      (9.0)
                               Southern Africa        80       102     (21.6)
                               Total               2,464     2,768     (11.0)

  Forest Products                                    657       940     (30.1)

  Corporate                                          (86)      (80)        -

  Total                                            3,035     3,628     (16.3)

  * before non-trading loss

  Summary rand convenience translation

                                                       Quarter ended
                                               December   December          %
                                                   2001       2000     change
  Sales (ZAR million)                             8,364      8,425      (0.7)

  Operating profit (ZAR million)                    653      1,081     (39.5)

  Profit after taxation (ZAR million)               221        620

  EBITDA (ZAR million)                            1,488      1,791     (16.9)

  Operating profit to sales (%)                     7.8       12.8

  EBITDA to sales (%)                              17.8       21.3

  Operating profit to average net assets (%)        8.5       16.1

  EPS before exceptional items (Headline)           141        257     (45.3)
  (SA cents)

  Basic EPS (SA cents)                              101        257

  EBITDA per share (SA cents)                       648        750     (13.6)

  Net debt (ZAR million)                         13,768      9,594       43.5

  Net debt to total capitalisation (%)             35.2       32.8

  Cash generated by operations (ZAR million)      1,307      1,745

  Cash retained from operating activities          (30)        892
  (ZAR million)

  Net movement in cash and cash equivalents     (1,820)      (642)
  (ZAR million)

  Exchange rates :
  Period end rate: US $1 = ZAR                  11.9100     7.5600
  Average rate: US $1 = ZAR                     10.0530     7.5560

  Period end rate: US $1 = EUR                   1.1321     1.0730
  Average rate: US $1 = EUR                      1.1192     1.1486

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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