RNS Number : 5687V
Royal London
10 August 2020
Interim Results Announcement 2020 10 August 2020
Royal London continues to support customers through challenging
Financial Highlights
Six months ended Six months ended
30 June 2020 30 June 2019
================= =============================== ================ ================
UK GAAP(1) Operating profit before GBP36m GBP90m
(Loss)/profit before tax(3) GBP(181)m GBP397m
New business Life and pensions new business GBP4,747m GBP5,822m
Flows Gross inflows(5) GBP14,419m GBP12,618m
Net inflows(5) GBP997m GBP5,473m
================= =============================== ================ ================
30 June 2020 31 December 2019
================= =============================== ================ ================
Funds Assets under management(6) GBP139bn GBP139bn
================= =============================== ================ ================
Capital cover
ratio (Solvency
II)(8) Regulatory View(7) 149% 159%
Investor View(8) 212% 219%
------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ----------------
-- UK GAAP operating profit before tax(2) decreased to GBP36m
(H1 2019: GBP90m), reflecting reduced new business sales and
increased digital investment.
-- Loss before tax(3) of GBP(181)m (H1 2019: profit of GBP397m)
following falls in real asset values and a reduction in bond
-- Life and pensions new business sales(4) 18% lower reflecting
difficult trading conditions experienced during lockdown in Q2
2020, as companies deferred decisions to move pension scheme
providers and individuals delayed investment decisions.
-- Net inflows(5) were GBP997m in H1 2020 (H1 2019: GBP5,473m)
as strong internal flows and growth in demand for sustainable funds
were partially offset by external Institutional outflows,
particularly in the segregated fixed income and cash funds.
-- Assets under management(6) stable at GBP139bn (31 December
2019: GBP139bn).
-- Group Regulatory View capital cover ratio(7) of 149% (31
December 2019: 159%) and Investor View capital cover ratio of 212%
(31 December 2019(8) : 219%).
Barry O'Dwyer, Group Chief Executive, commented:
"Our focus has been on supporting customers and advisers through
the challenges associated with Covid-19. In particular, we have
supported policyholders who have difficulty paying premiums due to
their personal circumstances by encouraging them to contact us to
arrange a practical way forward to maintain cover. There has been
no disruption to our award-winning customer service which was due
to the immense effort from colleagues.
"Despite market volatility and economic uncertainty assets under
management were stable at GBP139bn. Our capital position remains
strong. New business sales for protection products grew by 15%,
which was partly as a result of the pandemic reminding customers of
the importance of life insurance, critical illness and income
protection. Pension sales were lower as a consequence of the
disruption to advisers' ability to do business during lockdown.
"In the first half of the year and despite the pandemic, we made
progress on our strategic agenda, with the agreement to sell our
platform business, Ascentric. We were also pleased to announce that
Police Mutual would become part of Royal London. Both transactions
are subject to regulatory approval.
"Covid-19 will inevitably continue to have an impact on new
business prospects. Looking further ahead, our strong capital
position and unrivalled reputation with advisers and customers will
stand us in good stead as we continue to help customers meet their
protection, investment and long-term savings needs."
Kevin Parry, Chairman, commented:
"Royal London has successfully transitioned to 98% of our people
working from home, enabling us to continue to provide our normal
high level of service to customers. We remained open for business
without needing to ask customers to delay interaction with us and
we did this without taking any Government support.
"The professionalism of our people has been outstanding. A
phased return to work has been introduced for a small number of key
workers and we continue to put plans in place so more of our people
can revert to office based working in a safe and measured way.
"We have paid out claims to the families of more than 1,200
customers as a result of deaths attributable to Covid-19. Our
thoughts are with all our customers and their families at this
"Recognising the important role we play in protecting the UK and
Irish population, we made total charitable contributions of
GBP400,000 to the National Emergencies Trust in the UK and to
Feileacain, our local partner in Ireland. The amount will support
people throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland who suffer
hardship due to Covid-19."
About Royal London
Royal London is the UK's largest mutual insurer providing life,
protection, pensions and savings policies to approximately 8
million people in the UK and Ireland. The importance of having such
insurance coverage has been reinforced by the Covid-19 virus. We
are committed to delivering the best value for our customers and
Financial Review
Performance New business sales were down 18%, primarily due to reduced pensions
volumes particularly in Q2. Pension volumes decreased as economic
uncertainty, stock market volatility and the national lockdown
caused disruption to the services provided by intermediaries
to their clients. Workplace pension volumes were also lower
as companies deferred decisions to move scheme providers. Intermediated
Protection new business sales increased 15% in H1 2020 following
investments in our proposition and service as well as more customers
seeking financial protection as a result of the pandemic.
Operating profit reduced to GBP36m in H1 2020 (H1 2019: GBP90m),
primarily driven by the reduction in new business volumes and
increased investment in digital infrastructure. Loss before
tax of GBP(181)m in H1 2020 (H1 2019: profit of GBP397m) due
to lower investment returns in the period and a reduction in
discount rates used to value long-term business provisions leading
to higher liability valuations.
There has not been any material adverse experience in the first
half of the year as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. A GBP10m
reserve for Covid-19 related claims was charged in the first
half of the year to allow for potential higher claims in the
future. There remains uncertainty over the eventual impact of
the pandemic including both future rates of mortality, as well
as the wider health impacts from the deferral of non Covid-19
related medical treatments .
=========== ==========================================================================================================================
Financial The Group has previously communicated that it would discontinue
Reporting reporting under European Embedded Value (EEV), consistent with
most UK insurers. In addition, the Group has changed its statutory
reporting basis from International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS) to UK GAAP with effect from 1 January 2020. Accordingly,
the interim results for the six months ended 30 June 2020, including
the related comparatives, are prepared in accordance with UK
To facilitate comparison of the Group's performance, an Alternative
Performance Measure (APM) 'UK GAAP operating profit before tax'(2)
is included within the key financial highlights. Appendix 1
provides further information on the measurement differences
arising on the transition to UK GAAP .
=========== ==========================================================================================================================
Capital The Group has changed the 'Investor View' capital metric to
equal the Royal London Main Fund (RL Main Fund) capital position,
which excludes the ring-fenced funds' capital position. This
definition is considered more appropriate as ring-fenced closed
funds are run on a standalone basis. The 31 December 2019 Group
Investor View comparatives have been restated. Consistent with
previous periods, we continue to report the Group Regulatory
capital cover ratio which restricts the closed funds' surplus
to the value of the solvency capital requirement of that fund. Group
---------------------------------- -------------------------
Key metrics 30 June 2020 31 December
---------------------------------- ------------ -----------
Regulatory solvency surplus(7) GBP2,509m GBP2,632m
Regulatory capital cover ratio(7) 149% 159%
Investor view solvency surplus(8) GBP2,509m GBP2,632m
Investor view capital cover
ratio(8) 212% 219%
---------------------------------- ------------ -----------
The Group's capital position remains strong with an estimated
Solvency II Group Investor View capital cover ratio of 212%
(31 December 2019 restated: 219%) and solvency surplus of GBP2,509m
(31 December 2019 restated: GBP2,632m). The estimated Solvency
II Regulatory capital cover ratio was 149% at 30 June 2020 (31
December 2019: 159%). The Group's use of equity and interest
rate hedging strategies has operated as intended and has allowed
the Group to maintain its strong capital position despite the
market turmoil in H1.
=========== ==========================================================================================================================
Life and Pensions
Life and Pensions new business sales on a PVNBP(4) basis
decreased 18% to GBP4,747m in 2020 (H1 2019: GBP5,822m), reflecting
reduced sales volumes and contracting markets, particularly within
pensions. This was partially offset by Intermediated Protection new
business sales, which increased 15% in H1 2020.
Life and Pensions new business margins were 2.0% (H1 2019
restated: 2.2%) in part reflecting a change in mix of pensions new
business sales from Individual to Workplace. We continue to take
actions across the business to manage costs whilst maintaining our
levels of customer service during the uncertainty caused by
New business contribution PVNBP(3) New business margin(4)
=================== =========================== ==================== ========================
6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months 6 months
ended ended ended ended ended ended
30 June 30 June 30 June 30 June 30 June 30 June
2020 2019 2020 2019 (4) 2020 2019
(Restated)(4) (Restated)(4)
=================== ========== =============== ======== ========== ======== ==============
Pensions 71 98 4,103 5,162 1.7% 1.9%
21 18 407 354 5.1% 4.9%
Protection 7 65 10.7%
Ireland Protection 5 63 8.6%
Consumer (4) 7 174 241 (2.0)% 2.9%
------------------- ---------- --------------- -------- ---------- -------- --------------
Life and pensions
business 93 130 4,747 5,822 2.0% 2.2%
------------------- ---------- --------------- -------- ---------- -------- --------------
-- Individual Pensions new business sales have decreased with
PVNBP reducing by 18% to GBP2,662m (H1 2019 2019: GBP3,232m). The
reduction is mainly due to the impact of reduced new business
volumes as individuals delay investment decisions.
-- Workplace Pensions new business sales have decreased with
PVNBP down by 25% to GBP1,441m (H1 2019: GBP1,930m). Total volumes
of new regular contributions in H1 2020 are comparable to those in
H1 2019 however transfer activity was reduced. New scheme activity
is now increasing as the economy slowly progresses out of
-- Pensions new business margin fell to 1.7% (H1 2019: 1.9%)
primarily due to a change in mix.
-- The business was again voted "Company of the Year" by
financial advisers at the 2020 Money Marketing Awards. Royal London
also received "Provider of the Year 2019" at the SimplyBiz Group's
Annual Partnership Event 2020 in May 2020 and in February 2020 the
Group's Pension Portfolio and Retirement Solution Group Personal
Pension products maintained their 5 star ratings from Defaqto.
Pensions continued to be rated Gold for customer service, with an
overall satisfaction score of 83%.
Intermediated Protection
-- Intermediated Protection new business sales increased by 15%
to GBP407m (H1 2019: GBP354m) following the investments we have
made in product proposition and service delivery, and more
customers seeking financial protection as a result of the pandemic
. The growth in sales combined with a focus on cost management
increased the new business margin to 5.1% (30 June 2019: 4.9%).
-- The Group remained committed to offering cover to as many
people as possible and put in place a number of temporary changes
to the proposition, such as the introduction of a premium deferral
option to help customers retain their cover; increasing
underwriting non-medical limits so that more customers could obtain
protection without medical evidence, thus avoiding placing an
additional burden on the NHS; and offering free access to mental
and physical wellbeing apps to all customers through the Helping
Hand service.
-- Intermediated Protection's reputation was recognised by the
award of "Protection Provider of the Year 2020" by Money
Ireland Protection
-- New business contribution decreased to GBP5m (30 June 2019:
GBP7m) as the market contracted following Covid-19 restrictions.
Notwithstanding the reduction in sales volumes, PVNBP of GBP63m (H1
2019: GBP65m) benefitted from a higher proportion of sales of
longer-term products. New business margin has decreased from 10.7%
to 8.6%.
-- Royal London won the "2019 Service Excellence Award" at the
Brokers Ireland Excellence Awards. This service dedication has
continued into 2020 with services to both customers and brokers
remaining fully operational throughout the Covid-19 restrictions.
Royal London also won "Best Value Mortgage Protection" and "Best
Value Term Insurance" awards at both the National Consumer Awards
2019 and the Association of Irish Mortgage Advisers Awards
-- New business sales were negatively impacted by the pandemic
with both direct and partner sales slowing during Q2 2020,
reflecting the interruption from Covid-19 and that our partners'
businesses experienced reduced activity during lockdown. Total
PVNBP decreased by 28% to GBP174m (30 June 2019: GBP241m). New
business margin reduced to (2.0)% (30 June 2019: 2.9%) as a result
of lower volumes. Through a review of our propositions and costs,
actions have been taken to improve profitability of new business in
H2 including changes to our core products.
-- Support was provided to existing customers experiencing
temporary financial difficulty through the premium holiday feature.
The opportunity to defer payments for a period whilst maintaining
protection has provided much-needed additional financial security
for our customers.
Royal London Asset Management (RLAM)
Gross inflows(5) Net inflows(5)
--------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------
6 months ended 6 months ended 6 months ended 6 months ended
30 June 2020 30 June 2019 30 June 2020 30 June 2019
--------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
flows 4,325 4,478 1,531 1,540
flows 10,094 8,140 (534) 3,933
--------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
Total 14,419 12,618 997 5,473
--------- -------------- -------------- -------------- --------------
-- Internal net inflows remained stable in H1 2020 at GBP1,531m
(H1 2019: GBP1,540m).
-- External net outflows of GBP534m in H1 2020 (H1 2019: inflows
of GBP3,933m) were largely driven by Institutional outflows of
GBP1.9bn, partly mitigated by the Sustainable Fund range in the
Wholesale sector performing well in in the first half, generating
GBP1.3bn of net inflows. These flows follow the delivery of strong
fund sales in Q2, resulting in achieving top position for net
retail sales(9) .
-- Assets under management remained at GBP139bn at 30 June 2020
(YE19: GBP139bn) with net inflows of GBP997m offset by adverse
market movements of GBP492m.
-- 60%(10) of active funds outperformed their three-year
benchmark (H1 2019: 97%). Our multi asset funds were not positioned
for the sharp correction in equity markets and this has impacted
performance in terms of adverse asset allocation in the first
-- Investment performance in RLAM's actively managed OEICS in H1
2020 of 82%(11) (H1 2019: 82%) was above their respective medians
over a three year period, on a money-weighted basis. This helped
RLAM win a number of industry awards during H1 2020 with the
Sustainable Fund range continuing to receive plaudits, and in
particular the Royal London Sustainable World fund winning the best
ethical/socially responsible investing (SRI) mixed asset award for
the seventh year running at the Money Observer Fund Awards, while
the Royal London Sustainable Leaders Trust won Best UK Equity Fund
at the Morningstar UK Fund Awards.
Investment Funds Direct Limited (IFDL)
-- Marketed as Ascentric, IFDL is the Group's wrap platform,
supporting approximately 4,000 financial advisers in managing
c.95,000 customers' pensions and savings in tax-efficient
-- Assets under Administration decreased 4.3% to GBP15.5bn
(YE19: GBP16.2bn) primarily due to volatile market conditions
arising from the Covid-19 pandemic.
-- In May 2020 the sale of IFDL to M&G plc was announced.
The sale is expected to be completed in H2 2020, subject to
regulatory approval.
Non-adjusting events after the balance sheet date
The transfer of Police Mutual Assurance Society Ltd (PMAS) into
the Group and the sale of IFDL are both expected to complete in the
second half of 2020 following regulatory approval. Both
transactions are non-adjusting post balance sheet events and,
subject to the required approvals being obtained, are expected to
be accounted for and disclosed in the 2020 Annual Report and
For further information please contact:
Meera Khanna, Corporate PR Manager
0203 272 5129 / 07919 170 502
Editor's notes
1. The interim financial results of the Grou p ( The Royal
London Mutual Insurance Society Limited (RLMIS) and its
subsidiaries ) hav e been prepared in accordance with UK accounting
standards, under FRS 102 'The Financial Reporting Standard
applicable in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland' and
FRS 103, 'Insurance contracts'. The Group previously reported under
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Comparative
information has been presented on a UK GAAP basis where
appropriate. Key measurement differences between UK GAAP and IFRS
are set out in Appendix 1.
2. UK GAAP operating profit before tax is represented as profit
(transfer to Fund for Future Appropriations before Other
Comprehensive Income) excluding: short-term investment return
variances and economic assumption changes; amortisation and
impairment of goodwill and other intangibles arising from mergers
& acquisitions; ProfitShare; tax; and one off items of an
unusual nature that are not related to the underlying trading of
the Group. Profits arising within the closed funds are held within
the respective closed fund surplus; therefore UK operating profit
represents the result of the RL Main Fund (including transfers to
RL Main Fund from the closed funds). This key performance indicator
is an Alternative Performance Measure (APM) which replaces European
Embedded Value (EEV) operating profit. A comparison between the UK
GAAP and EEV operating profit APMs is set out in Appendix 1.
3. Loss before tax represents the '(Loss)/profit before tax and
before (deduction from)/transfer to the fund for future
appropriations' in the statement of comprehensive income.
4. Present Value of New Business Premiums (PVNBP) is the total
of new single premium sales received in the year plus the
discounted value, at the point of sale, of the regular premiums the
Group expects to receive over the term of the new contracts sold in
the year. The rate used to discount the cash flows in the reported
results has been derived from the 30 June 2020 swap curve
calculated in accordance with specification provided by the
European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA). New
business contribution and margin for 2019 have been restated to
reflect the removal of the tax gross up of 19% that was applied in
EEV reporting. Removing the tax gross up reduced H1 2019 new
business contribution by GBP16m as set out in Appendix 1.
5. Gross and net inflows incorporate flows into RLAM from
external clients (external flows) and those generated from RLMIS
(internal flows). External client net inflows represent external
inflows less external outflows, including cash mandates. Internal
net inflows from RLMIS represent the combined premiums and deposits
received (net of reinsurance) less claims and redemptions (net of
reinsurance). Given its nature, non-linked Protection business is
not included.
6. Assets under management represent the total of assets
actively managed by, or on behalf of, the Group, including funds
managed on behalf of third parties. Figures are stated as at 30
June, and exclude assets administered through IFDL, the Group's
platform business.
7. The 'Regulatory View' capital cover ratio restricts each
closed funds' surplus to the value of the Solvency Capital
Requirement (SCR) of that fund.
8. The Group has changed the 'Investor View' capital cover ratio
metric in 2020 to equal the Royal London Main Fund (RL Main Fund)
capital position (excluding ring-fenced funds). The definition is
considered to be more appropriate given the RL Main Fund is the
primary source of capital for the group, and that the closed funds
are ring-fenced and run on a standalone basis. The 31 December 2019
Group Investor View comparatives have been restated, excluding the
capital surpluses of the closed funds of GBP3.2bn reported in 2019.
The 31 December 2019 Group Investor view comparatives have been
restated from GBP5,810m solvency surplus to GBP2,632m and the
capital cover ratio from 231% to 219%. All Group capital figures
are stated on a Partial Internal Model basis.
9. RLAM achieved top position for net retail sales in Q2 2020,
according to the Pridham report. Established in 1997, the report is
produced on a quarterly basis in order to give valuable industry
insight into trends and peer performance. This achievement is an
important barometer of success among asset managers.
10. Investment performance has been calculated using a weighted
average of active assets under management. Benchmarks differ by
fund and reflect their mix of assets to ensure direct comparison.
Passive funds are excluded from this calculation as, whilst they
have a place as part of a balanced portfolio, Royal London believes
in the long-term value added by active management.
11. Percentage of OEICS performing above their median has been
calculated using a weighted average of active assets under
management. Each OEIC in scope is ranked against their respective
peer groups using Lipper benchmarking data over a three year period
to 30 June 2020, reflecting their mix of assets to ensure direct
comparison. If an OEIC does not have a peer group with a direct
comparison they are out of scope for the calculation.
12. Figures presented in tables throughout are rounded. The
capital cover ratios and new business margins are calculated based
on unrounded figures.
Principal risks and uncertainties
The principal risks and uncertainties facing the Group are set
out in the 'Principal risks and uncertainties'
section of the strategic report in Royal London's 2019 Annual Report and Accounts (ARA) ( https://www.royallondon.com/siteassets/site-docs/about-us/annual-reports/royal-london-annual-report-2019.pdf ). Since the publication of the 2019 ARA, the effects of Covid-19 continue to impact global economies and investment markets, increasing future uncertainty and in particular market risk, insurance risk (including assumptions in relation to mortality and persistency) and operational risk. These risks continue to be monitored and mitigated through our risk management system. Activity in the first half has focused on ensuring continuity of business services, with no significant interruptions experienced, and enhanced monitoring of the capital and liquidity position of the Group.
Financial calendar:
-- 10 August 2020 - Interim Results Announcement 2020 conference
-- 7 October 2020 - RL Finance Bonds No 4 plc subordinated debt
interest payment date
-- 13 November 2020 - RL Finance Bonds No 3 plc subordinated
debt interest payment date
-- 30 November 2020 - RL Finance Bonds No 2 plc subordinated
debt interest payment date
*Royal London will hold an investor conference call to present
its 2020 Interim results on Monday 10 August 2020 at 09:00.
Interested parties can register at:
https://cossprereg.btci.com/prereg/key.process?key=PXGUWLBPC . A
copy of the presentation to investors is available on the Investor
Relations page on the Group website at
Forward-looking statements:
This announcement contains, and Royal London may make other
verbal or written, 'forward-looking statements' with respect to
certain Royal London's plans, its current goals and expectations
relating to its future financial condition, performance, results,
operating environment, strategy and objectives. Statements that are
not historical facts, including statements about Royal London's
beliefs and expectations and including, without limitation,
statements containing the words 'may', 'will', 'should',
'continue', 'aims', 'estimates', 'projects', 'believes', 'intends',
'expects', 'plans', 'seeks' and 'anticipates', and words of similar
meaning, are forward-looking statements. These statements are based
on plans, estimates and projections as at the time they are made,
and therefore undue reliance should not be placed on them.
By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risk and
uncertainty because they relate to future events and circumstances
which are beyond Royal London's control. Royal London believes
factors that could cause actual financial condition, performance or
other indicated results to differ materially from those indicated
in forward-looking statements in the announcement include, among
others, the ongoing effects of the Covid-19 pandemic; UK and
Ireland economic and business conditions; future market-related
risks such as fluctuations in interest rates, the continuance of a
sustained low-interest rate environment, and the performance of
financial markets generally; the policies and actions of
governmental and regulatory authorities, including, for example,
new government initiatives; the actual or anticipated political,
legal and economic ramifications of the UK's withdrawal from the
European Union; the impact of competition; the effect on Royal
London's business and results from, in particular, mortality and
morbidity trends, lapse rates and policy
renewal rates and the timing, impact and other uncertainties of
future mergers or combinations within relevant industries. These
and other important factors may, for example, result in changes to
assumptions used for determining results of operations or
re-estimations of reserves for future policy benefits.
As a result, Royal London's actual future financial condition,
performance and results may differ materially from the plans, goals
and expectations set forth in Royal London's forward-looking
statements. Royal London undertakes no obligation to update the
forward looking statements in this announcement or any other
forward looking statements Royal London may make. Forward-looking
statements in this presentation are current only at the date on
which such statements are made. This report has been prepared fo r
the members of Royal London and no one else . Royal London, its
employees, or advisers do not accept or assume responsibility to
any other person to whom this document is shown or into whose hands
it may come, and any such responsibility or liability is expressly
The Royal London Mutual Insurance Society Limited is registered
in England and Wales (99064) at 55 Gracechurch Street, London, EC3V
Appendix 1 - Basis of preparation
The Group has prepared the Interim Results using Financial
Reporting Standard (FRS) 102, 'The Financial Reporting Standard
applicable in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland' and
FRS 103 , 'Insurance contracts' (UK GAAP). These Interim Results
for the six months ended 30 June 2020 are the Group's first results
prepared in accordance with UK GAAP, which was adopted effective 1
January 2020. The Group previously prepared its financial
statements using International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS). The last financial statements under IFRS were for the year
ended 31 December 2019 and the last interim results under IFRS were
for the six months ended 30 June 2019.
In order to provide comparative figures to the 2020 results on a
comparable basis, the financial statements for the year ended 31
December 2019 and the interim results for the six months ended 30
June 2019 have been restated onto a UK GAAP basis.
The interim results have been prepared on a going concern basis
under the historical cost convention, as modified by the inclusion
of certain assets and liabilities at fair value as permitted or
required by FRS 102. The emerging and potential impacts on the
Group's performance, liquidity and capital position from Covid-19
and the associated market uncertainty have been considered. The
Group regularly performs sensitivities and stress testing on a
range of severe but plausible scenarios, including but not limited
to global pandemics, and stress testing has been performed on the
capital position for severe adverse economic and demographic
impacts arising over the short to medium term. There are a range of
actions available to the Directors in stress scenarios which could
also be considered if there was deterioration in the capital
position of the Group. The capital position remains sufficient to
cover capital requirements in these scenarios, and the Directors
have therefore concluded that no material uncertainty exists over
the going concern assumption.
Key differences between IFRS and UK GAAP impacting the Group's
accounting policies and financial results are set out below. The
full UK GAAP accounting policies that have been applied in the
preparation of the Interim Results can be found on the Royal London
website at
(a) Changes in accounting policy arising on the transition from IFRS to UK GAAP
Changes in accounting policies that have an impact on the
balance sheet or statement of comprehensive income on
-- Goodwill
Under IFRS a goodwill asset (goodwill) is not amortised but is
subject to an annual impairment test. Under UK GAAP a goodwill
asset is amortised over its estimated useful life. An impairment
test is performed only if there is an indication of impairment.
-- Negative goodwill
Under IFRS a 'bargain purchase' gain is recognised immediately
in profit or loss for any excess of the fair value of the net
assets acquired in an acquisition over the fair value of the
consideration paid. Under UK GAAP, this value is capitalised as a
negative asset (negative goodwill). Subsequently the value of
negative goodwill up to the fair value of non-monetary assets
acquired in the business combination is amortised in the periods in
which those non-monetary assets are realised. The value of negative
goodwill in excess of the value of non-monetary assets acquired is
amortised in the statement of comprehensive income in the periods
expected to benefit, as set out in section (b) note 2 below.
-- Financial assets and liabilities
FRS 102 provides entities with an accounting policy choice in
respect of the recognition and measurement of financial assets and
liabilities between applying:
a. the provisions of both Section 11 and Section 12 of FRS 102
in full (a simplified version of the requirements in IAS 39
'Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement');
b. the recognition and measurement provisions of IAS 39, (prior
to its amendment on the publication of IFRS 9 'Financial
Instruments'); or
c. the recognition and measurement provisions of IFRS 9, and IAS
39 (as amended following the publication of IFRS 9).
The Group has taken the option to apply the recognition and
measurement requirements of IFRS 9 and IAS 39 (as amended following
the publication of IFRS 9). The impact of this is described further
in section (d) below.
-- Leases - accounting by lessees
IFRS 16 requires lessees to recognise all leases on the balance
sheet (other than certain low value or short-term leases). Under UK
GAAP, leases are classified as either operating or finance leases.
Leases classified as operating leases are not included on the
balance sheet but the lease rentals are recognised as an expense as
incurred. This change mainly impacts operational properties leased
by the Group as set out in section (b) below.
Changes in accounting policy that have no net impact on the
balance sheet or statement of comprehensive income on
-- Consolidation of investment funds
Under IFRS all entities that are classified as subsidiaries are
consolidated in the group financial statements, including OEICs and
other investment funds. FRS 102 excludes interests held as part of
an investment portfolio from consolidation, requiring them to be
held in the group financial statements as an investment at fair
value through profit and loss. All of the Group's interests in
OEICs and other investment funds are within investment portfolios
and consequently the Group no longer consolidates those interests
even when they are classified as subsidiaries. There is no net
impact on the Group balance sheet or statement of comprehensive
income from this change.
-- Classification of investment funds as subsidiaries
An entity is classified as a subsidiary when it is controlled by
the Group. UK GAAP has a different definition of control from IFRS
resulting in fewer OEICs and other investment funds being
classified as subsidiaries under UK GAAP. Those funds no longer
classified as subsidiaries are instead classified as associates.
There is no impact on either the Group balance sheet or the Group
statement of comprehensive income as all the affected entities are
investment funds which are not consolidated under UK GAAP. The
value of the Group's investment in those funds and the investment
return related to them are included within the same lines of the
balance sheet and the statement of comprehensive income
respectively, regardless of whether they are classified as
subsidiaries or associates.
-- Acquired value of in-force business (Acquired VIF)
A presentational change has been made to the acquired VIF on
insurance contracts, reducing to GBPnil the balance that was
included in the IFRS balance sheet with an offsetting reduction in
the long-term business provision in respect of the related
non-profit insurance contracts.
(b) Reconciliation of the Fund for Future Appropriations (FFA)
FRS 102 Section 35.13 (b) requires a reconciliation of the
Group's equity under its previous financial reporting framework to
its equity under UK GAAP. As the Group is a mutual entity it does
not have equity. The closest approximation to equity is the surplus
within the Royal London Open fund, which is disclosed as the
Unallocated Divisible Surplus (UDS) for IFRS and as the Fund for
Future Appropriations (FFA) for UK GAAP. The table below shows a
reconciliation of the UDS under IFRS to the FFA under UK GAAP at 31
December 2019, 30 June 2019 and at 1 January 2019.
======================================== ====================================
31 December 2019 30 June 1 January
2019 2019
======================================== ================ ======= =========
Unallocated Divisible Surplus reported
under IFRS 3,998 4,116 3,813
Goodwill (note i) (229) (229) (229)
Negative goodwill (note ii) (64) (69) (75)
Other items (note iii) (5) (9) (12)
Fund for Future Appropriations reported
under UK GAAP 3,700 3,809 3,497
---------------------------------------- ---------------- ------- ---------
Notes to the reconciliation of the FFA
i. Removal of goodwill previously recognised under IFRS on the
acquisition of the former Resolution businesses and assets in 2009
(GBP119m) and Scottish Life in 2001 (GBP110m). The Group has chosen
to retrospectively restate these acquisitions. The useful economic
life of the goodwill from both acquisitions was determined to be 10
years from the original acquisition dates. Consequently the
goodwill was fully amortised on a UK GAAP basis at the date of
transition resulting in a reduction in FFA of GBP229m at 31
December 2019 , 30 June 2019 and 1 January 2019.
ii. When the retrospective approach to historic acquisitions is
adopted it has to be applied to all acquisitions from the earliest
acquisition that is restated. All acquisitions from 2001 onwards
have been restated, resulting in the recognition of negative
goodwill from the acquisitions of Royal Liver (2011) and RL (CIS)
(formerly Co-operative Insurance Society Limited (CIS) at
acquisition in 2013) which were previously recognised as 'bargain
purchase' gains under IFRS. The negative goodwill recognised (net
of amortisation) was GBP64m at 31 December 2019, GBP69m at 30 June
2019 and GBP75m at 1 January 2019.
iii. Other items comprise the impact of removing the right of
use assets and lease liabilities recognised in accordance with IFRS
16 for leases treated as operating leases under UK GAAP; the
recognition of an expected credit loss provision; and an adjustment
to the value of outstanding claims.
(c) Reconciliation of the Technical Account for 2019
FRS 102 Section 35.13 (c) requires a reconciliation of the
profit or loss determined under the Group's previous financial
reporting framework in its most recent financial statements to the
equivalent profit or loss using UK GAAP. As the Group is a mutual
entity its profit or loss, after the transfer to the UDS (under
IFRS) or transfer to the FFA (under UK GAAP), is always GBPnil. To
provide more meaningful information the table below shows a
reconciliation of the total transfer to UDS (including other
comprehensive income) from the 30 June 2019 half-year condensed
financial statements and the 31 December 2019 IFRS financial
statements to the equivalent total transfer to FFA (including other
comprehensive income) under UK GAAP.
============================================================================ ==============================
31 December 2019 30 June 2019
============================================================================ ================ ============
Transfer to the Unallocated Divisible Surplus for the period under IFRS 185 303
Amortisation of negative goodwill 11 6
Other items (note i) 7 3
Transfer to the Fund for Future Appropriations for the period under UK GAAP 203 312
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------------
Notes to the reconciliation of the Technical Account for
i. Other items comprise the removal of the depreciation of the
right of use assets recognised under IFRS 16, interest on the
related lease liabilities and the recognition of operating lease
rentals in accordance with FRS 102.
(d) Adoption of IFRS 9
As set out in section (a) above, the Group has chosen to adopt
IFRS 9 on transition to UK GAAP, as permitted by FRS 102.
(i) Financial assets
The classification of financial assets has changed such that the
assessment is based on the Group's business model for managing the
financial assets, and whether cash flows represent solely payments
of principal and interest, with the exception of derivative
financial instruments, which are required to be held at fair value
through profit or loss (FVTPL). All financial assets held in a
business model that is managed and whose performance is evaluated
on a fair value basis are held at FVTPL. Financial assets that are
held in a business model that is held to collect contractual cash
flows are classified as assets held at amortised cost. The tables
below show the classification of financial assets on adoption of
IFRS 9 and their previous classification under IAS 39, 'Financial
Instruments: Recognition and Measurement'.
============================================ ======================================================================
IAS 39 - 31 December 2018 IFRS 9 - 1 January 2019
Classification Carrying value Classification Carrying value
============================================ =================== ============== ================= ==============
Financial assets
Derivative assets FVTPL (mandatory) 3,168 FVTPL (mandatory) 3,168
Other financial investments FVTPL (designated) 36,652 FVTPL (mandatory) 36,652
Assets held to cover linked liabilities
(derivative assets) FVTPL (mandatory) 2 FVTPL (mandatory) 2
Assets held to cover linked liabilities
(other financial investments) FVTPL (designated) 40,115 FVTPL (mandatory) 40,115
Assets held to cover linked liabilities
(cash and debtors) Amortised Cost 492 FVTPL (mandatory) 492
Debtors Amortised Cost 496 Amortised Cost 495
Cash at bank and in hand Amortised Cost 802 Amortised Cost 802
Transfer to the Fund for Future Appropriations
for the period under UK GAAP 81,727 81,726
----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- ----------------- --------------
The cash at bank and in hand and debtor balances included within
'Assets held to cover linked liabilities' were previously held at
amortised cost and are now held at FVTPL. This is the result of
identifying these assets as being part of a business model that is
managed and whose performance is evaluated on a fair value basis.
At 1 January 2019, the amortised cost of these assets was equal to
their fair value, resulting in no impact on the FFA on
Other financial investments that were previously designated at
FVTPL under IAS 39 (including those within unit-linked funds) are
now mandatorily at FVTPL due to them being part of a business model
that is managed and whose performance is evaluated on a fair value
basis or where the cash flows do not represent solely payments of
principal and interest.
There are no differences between the IAS 39 carrying amounts for
financial assets at 31 December 2018 and the IFRS 9 carrying
amounts at 1 January 2019, with the exception of other debtors for
which the change in carrying amount is the result of the
recognition of the impairment loss allowance, as set out below.
IFRS 9 results in changes to the impairment approach for
financial assets held at amortised cost. Under IAS 39, an 'incurred
loss' approach was used, which required a charge for impairment
when events or circumstances indicated that amounts were not
recoverable. The approach under IFRS 9 is an 'expected credit loss'
approach, which requires an assessment of expected future losses on
initial recognition.
At 31 December 2018, the IAS 39 allowance for impairment losses
for other debtors was GBP1m and at 1 January 2019, the IFRS 9 loss
allowance was GBP2m. The movement was due to a transitional
adjustment in loss allowance.
(ii) Financial liabilities
Under IFRS 9 financial liabilities are held at amortised cost,
except for liabilities which are designated at FVTPL and for
derivative liabilities which are required to be held at FVTPL. A
financial liability can be designated at FVTPL if that eliminates
or significantly reduces a measurement or recognition inconsistency
(sometimes referred to as 'an accounting mismatch') that would
otherwise arise from measuring assets or liabilities or recognising
the gains and losses on them on different bases. Alternatively a
FVTPL designation can be used if the liability is part of a group
of financial liabilities or a group of financial assets and
financial liabilities that is managed and whose performance is
evaluated on a fair value basis.
On transition to IFRS 9, creditors of GBP141m, included within
'Assets held to cover linked liabilities', were reclassified from
amortised cost to FVTPL. This is the result of identifying these
liabilities as being part of a group of financial assets and
financial liabilities that is managed and whose performance is
evaluated on a fair value basis. At 1 January 2019, the amortised
cost of these assets was equal to their fair value, resulting in no
impact to the FFA on transition. There were no other changes in
classification or carrying value of financial liabilities on
transition to IFRS 9.
(e) Reconciliation of the EEV operating profit before tax to UK GAAP operating profit before tax
The Group has discontinued its reporting using European Embedded
Value (EEV) and as a result no longer reports EEV operating profit
as an Alternative Performance Measure (APM). A new APM of UK GAAP
operating profit will be presented. The Board considers that this
APM provides a more meaningful indication of the underlying trading
of the Group.
UK GAAP operating profit is defined as the transfer to FFA
before Other Comprehensive Income, excluding the following:
-- Short-term investment return variances and economic assumption changes;
-- Amortisation and impairment of goodwill and other intangibles
arising from mergers & acquisitions;
-- ProfitShare and tax; and
-- One off items of an unusual nature that are not related to
the underlying trading of the Group.
The table below shows a reconciliation of the previously
reported EEV operating profit to the UK GAAP operating profit.
========================================= =================================
Year ended 6 months ended
31 December 2019 30 June 2019
========================================= ================= ==============
EEV operating profit 416 187
Remove tax gross up (note i) (33) (16)
Treatment of asset management businesses
(note ii) (66) (45)
Cost recognition (note iii) (92) (7)
Finance costs (note iv) (56) (24)
Other items (4) (5)
UK GAAP operating profit 165 90
----------------------------------------- ----------------- --------------
Notes to the reconciliation of EEV operating profit to UK GAAP
operating profit:
i. Remove tax gross up
Under EEV, the operating profit for the Group's life and
pensions business was calculated net of tax and then grossed up at
a notional tax rate. This gross up was previously made to increase
comparability with non-mutual entities. Royal London has taken the
opportunity to simplify disclosures under UK GAAP by removing this
gross up. The 0% tax rate for the life and pensions business
reflects the fact that the majority of business and nearly all new
business is non-taxable, and the small amount of taxable life
business is in run off.
ii. Treatment of asset management businesses
For EEV reporting the Group's asset management businesses were
treated as covered business. The reported embedded value comprised
the sum of their net assets and the value of in-force business. The
value of in-force business represents the expected future profits
from existing business at the balance sheet date. Within the UK
GAAP operating profit the results of the asset management
businesses are included on a statutory UK GAAP basis, which
includes the profit arising in the current period only.
iii. Cost recognition
Within the EEV operating profit the Group previously recognised
provisions for future costs, for example for large strategic
developments that would be incurred in future periods. The UK GAAP
operating profit includes such costs as they are incurred. The 2019
UK GAAP results include costs incurred in the period but that had
been provided for in previous periods under EEV.
iv. Finance costs
Finance costs were excluded from operating profit under EEV but
have been included within UK GAAP operating profit.
This information is provided by RNS, the news service of the
London Stock Exchange. RNS is approved by the Financial Conduct
Authority to act as a Primary Information Provider in the United
Kingdom. Terms and conditions relating to the use and distribution
of this information may apply. For further information, please
contact rns@lseg.com or visit www.rns.com.
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
August 10, 2020 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)
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