3rd Quarter Results
28 Januar 2004 - 8:32AM
UK Regulatory
RNS Number:7147U
Takefuji Corporation
28 January 2004
January 28, 2004
Brief Statement of Financial Results at the Third Quarter for the Fiscal Year
Ending March 31, 2004 (Consolidated)
Stock Listings: Tokyo Stock Exchange, First Section / London Stock Exchange
Code Number: 8564
URL: http://www.takefuji.co.jp
Head Office: 15-1 Nishi-Shinjuku 8-chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-8654, Japan
Representative Personnel: Akira Kiyokawa, President
Administrative personnel to contact: Osamu Sasaki, Managing Director of Public
Relation Department Tel: +81-3-3365-8030
1. Information at the Third Quarter for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2004
a. Accounting change during the nine months period: None
b. Changes in scope of consolidation and application of equity method during the
nine months period: None
2. Business Results at the Third Quarter for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31,
2004 (From April 1, 2003 to December 31, 2003)
(1) Consolidated Operating Results Notes: Figures are rounded to the nearest
appropriate unit.
Operating Revenues Operating Income Ordinary Income
mill.of Yen % mill.of Yen % mill.of Yen %
9 months Period ended Dec.2003 298,436 ( - ) 90,380 ( - ) 105,402 ( - )
9 months Period ended Dec.2002 - ( - ) - ( - ) - ( - )
FY ended Mar.2003 421,974 (-0.8) 161,074 (-24.5) 183,255 (-20.9)
Net Income Net Income Per Share Net Income
Per Share-Diluted
Mill.of Yen % Yen Yen
9 Months Period ended Dec.2003 55,514 ( - ) 389.44 381.96
9 Months Period ended Dec.2002 - ( - ) - -
FY ended Mar.2003 95,146 (47.5) 650.93 -
Notes: Brief statement of financial results at the quarter for the previous
fiscal year wasn't released, so the figures for the nine months period for the
previous fiscal year and increase or decrease ratio aren't indicated.
(Progress situation concerned consolidated financial position at the third
quarter for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2004)
The domestic economy at the third quarter for the fiscal year ending March 31,
2004, though there have been the negative factors like the protraction of Iraq
issue or the progress of strong yen, has appeared as the steady recovery from
long depression with the uptrend of stock quotations and the increase of the
number of well profitable company. However, about the general household income,
although the signs of the slowdown to the increase in personal bankruptcy are
seen, the situation in which we can't still expect the expansion of consumption
has continued by the factors such as the high unemployment rate, the continuous
control of personnel expenses by companies and the future uneasiness of the
increase of a pension burden.
Although we are surrounded by such severe circumstance, we can see the
substantial improvement in quality of loan balance due to the reinforced
management since previous period. Operating revenues of nine months at the end
of the third quarter is 298,436 million yen and Ordinary income is 105,402
million yen. Those are in line with the forecast for the consolidated fiscal
year ending March 31, 2004 which was shown at the last interim closing.
(2) Consolidated Financial Position
Total assets Shareholders' Equity
mill. of Yen mill.of Yen
9 Months Period ended Dec.2003 1,837,485 867,393
9 Months Period ended Dec.2002 - -
FY ended Mar.2003 1,939,530 831,616
Shareholders' Equity Ratio Shareholders' Equity per Share
% Yen
9 Months Period ended Dec.2003 47.2 6,142.14
9 Months Period ended Dec.2002 - -
FY ended Mar.2003 42.9 5,795.54
(3) Consolidated Cash Flows
Operating Investing Financing
Cash Flows Cash flows Cash Flows
mill.of Yen mill.of Yen mill.of Yen
9 Months Period ended Dec.2003 74,694 -6,711 -117,643
9 Months Period ended Dec.2002 - - -
FY ended Mar.2003 261,732 8,534 -224,959
Cash and cash equivalents
as of the end of the nine months period (fiscal year)
mill.of Yen
9 Months Period ended Dec.2003 73,436
9 Months Period ended Dec.2002 -
FY ended Mar.2003 121,586
(The changed situation concerned consolidated financial position)
Consolidated cash and cash equivalents (hereinafter called 'the funds') at the
end of the current nine months period decreased by 48,150 million yen to 73,436
million yen compared with the end of the previous fiscal year.
The situation and sources of cash flows by each activity for the current nine
months period are as follows;
(Cash flows from operating activities)
The funds provided by operating activities were 74,694 million yen. The
principal sources of these cash flows are as follows; Income before income taxes
of 106,432 million yen, direct cash loans made to customers of 495,761 million
yen and direct cash loans collected from customers of 469,323 million yen, which
represented the stricter credit assessment for new direct cash loans made to
customers in the consumer finance as the company's core business, and the
payment of income taxes of 109,168 million yen, etc.
(Cash flows from investing activities)
The funds used in investing activities were 6,711 million yen. This was mainly
due to net increase of time deposits of 4,305 million yen and net increase of
pledged bank deposits of 3,032 million yen.
(Cash flows from financing activities)
The funds used in financing activities were 117,643 million yen. This was mainly
due to proceeds from long-term borrowings of 62,869 million yen, repayments of
long-term borrowings of 210,640 million yen and issuance of bonds of 65,575
million yen.
3. Forecasts of Consolidated Operating Results for the Fiscal Year ending March
31,2004 (From April 1, 2003 to March 31, 2004)
Operating Revenues Ordinary Income Net Income
mill. of Yen mill.of Yen mill.of Yen
Fiscal Year ending March
31, 2004 (Full Year) 383,800 133,900 70,000
Reference data: Forecast of net income per share (full year) : 490.60 yen
January 28, 2004
Brief Statement of Financial Results at the Third Quarter for the Fiscal Year
Ending March 31, 2004 (Non-Consolidated)
Stock Listings: Tokyo Stock Exchange, First Section / London Stock Exchange
Code Number: 8564
URL: http://www.takefuji.co.jp
Head Office: 15-1 Nishi-Shinjuku 8-chome, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 163-8654, Japan
Representative Personnel: Akira Kiyokawa, President
Administrative personnel to contact: Osamu Sasaki, Managing Director of Public
Relation Department'@ Tel: +81-3-3365-8030
1.Information at the Third Quarter for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2004
a. Accounting change during the nine months period: None
2. Non-Consolidated Business Results at the Third Quarter for the Fiscal Year
Ending March 31, 2004 (From April 1, 2003 to December 31, 2003)
(1) Non-Consolidated Operating Results Notes: Figures are rounded to the nearest
appropriate unit.
Operating Revenues Operating Income Ordinary Income
mill.of Yen % mill.of Yen % mill. of Yen %
9 Months Period ended Dec.2003 295,868 ( - ) 89,074 ( - ) 103,829 ( - )
9 Months Period ended Dec. 2002 - ( - ) - ( - ) - ( - )
FY ended Mar.2003 419,086 (-1.0) 160,004 (-24.6) 182,821(-20.6)
Net Income Net Income Per Share Net Income Per Share-Diluted
millions of Yen % Yen Yen
9 Months Period ended Dec.2003 55,402 ( - ) 381.64 374.31
9 Months Period ended Dec.2002 - ( - ) - -
FY ended Mar.2003 94,552 (45.3) 646.86 -
Notes: Brief statement of financial results at the quarter for the previous
fiscal year wasn't released, so the figures for the nine months period for the
previous fiscal year and increase or decrease ratio aren't indicated.
(2) Non-Consolidated Financial Position
Total assets Shareholders'Equity Shareholders'Equity Ratio
mill.of Yen mill.of Yen %
9 Months period ended Dec. 2003 1,868,981 872,263 46.7
9 Months Period ended Dec. 2002 - - -
FY ended Mar. 2003 1,975,741 837,480 42.4
Shareholders' Equity per share
9 Months period ended Dec. 2003 6,176.62
9 Months Period ended Dec. 2002 -
FY ended Mar. 2003 5,836.42
3. Forecasts of Non-Consolidated Operating Results for the Fiscal Year ending
March 31, 2004 (From April 1, 2003 to March 31, 2004)
Operating Revenues Ordinary Income Net Income
mill.of Yen mill.of Yen mill.of Yen
Fiscal Year ending
March 31, 2004 380,400 132,100 68,800
(Full year)
Reference data: Forecast of net income per share (full year) : 482.19 yen
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange