Washington, DC 20549
Specialized Disclosure Report
Chevron Corporation
(Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)
(State or other jurisdiction of incorporation or organization)(Commission File Number)(I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)
5001 Executive Parkway, Suite 200, San Ramon, CA94583
(Address of principal executive offices)(Zip Code)
Alana K. Knowles
Vice President and Controller
(925) 842-1000
(Name and telephone number, including area code, of the person to
contact in connection with this report.)
Check the appropriate box to indicate the rule pursuant to which this Form is being submitted, and provide the period to which the information in this form applies:
Rule 13p-1 under the Securities Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13p-1) for the reporting period from January 1 to December 31, ____________.
Rule 13q-1 under the Securities Exchange Act (17 CFR 240.13q-1) for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023.

Section 2 Resource Extraction Issuer Disclosure
Item 2.01     Resource Extraction Issuer Disclosure and Report
(a)    Required Disclosure.
Section 13(q) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and Rule 13q-1 and Form SD promulgated thereunder (collectively, the “Resource Extraction Payment Rules”) require resource extraction issuers to disclose payments made to the U.S. federal government or a foreign government (each, a “government” and collectively, “governments”) for the purpose of the commercial development of oil, natural gas, or minerals. In accordance with the Resource Extraction Payment Rules, this Form SD covers such payments made by Chevron Corporation and its consolidated subsidiaries1 (collectively, “Chevron”) for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023. Terms and phrases used but not defined in this Form SD have the meanings provided under the Resource Extraction Payment Rules.

Disclosure of Payments by Resource Extraction Issuers.
The specified payment disclosure required is included in Exhibit 99.1 to this Form SD.

Payments are reported on a cash basis in U.S. dollars. Foreign currency payments are converted using the exchange rate that existed at the time the payment was made.

Taxes are reported net of all refunds received, if any, during the reporting year and include property taxes directly associated with producing or exploration properties and withholding taxes assessed on the income earned from extractive activities. Amounts reported also include payments made by a government on behalf of Chevron as part of a tax-paid production sharing contract (“PSC”).

Production entitlement refers to a government’s share of production as defined in a PSC, as well as a state-owned company’s share of production as a working interest holder within its home country net of the cash funding provided to cover capital and operating expenditures. A state-owned company that is involved in projects outside of its home country is not considered a government for purposes of the Resource Extraction Payment Rules. Production entitlements are reported based on their contractual value, where applicable, or if no contractual value, based on their fair value. In a tax-paid PSC in which a government settles Chevron’s tax obligation from its own share of
1 As used in this report, the term “Chevron” and such terms as “the company,” “the corporation,” “our,” “we,” “us” and "its" may refer to Chevron Corporation, one or more of its consolidated subsidiaries, or all of them taken as a whole, but unless stated otherwise they do not include “affiliates” of Chevron — i.e., those companies accounted for by the equity method (generally owned 50 percent or less) or non-equity method investments. All of these terms are used for convenience only and are not intended as a precise description of any of the separate companies, each of which manages its own affairs.

production entitlements, such amount is netted from the reported production entitlement and reported as a tax payment.

For fully integrated projects that include both extractive and non-extractive activities, payments to governments are disclosed for the projects in their entirety in such cases where it is not possible to disaggregate between the extractive and non-extractive components of the payments.

Because the scope and basis for preparation of this Form SD is in accordance with the Resource Extraction Payment Rules, amounts reported in this Form SD may be different from disclosures in Chevron’s other publicly available financial reports, including those found within Chevron’s periodic reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

(b)    Delayed Reporting.
1.As permitted by Item 2.01(b)(1) of Form SD, Chevron is delaying the disclosure of payments made in 2023 related to certain exploratory activities and will disclose these payments in the Form SD submitted for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2024.
2.As permitted by Item 2.01(b)(2) of Form SD, Chevron is relying on the reporting delay accommodation relating to our acquisition of PDC Energy, Inc. (“PDC Energy”), which was acquired by Chevron in August 2023 and was not previously required to report under the Resource Extraction Payment Rules or pursuant to an acceptable alternative reporting regime in its last full fiscal year. Accordingly, PDC Energy’s payments to governments are not included in this Form SD and will be included in Chevron’s Form SD for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2024.

Section 3 – Exhibits
Item 3.01    Exhibits
The following exhibits are furnished as part of this report:


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the duly authorized undersigned.
Chevron Corporation
By:/s/ Eimear P. BonnerSeptember 24, 2024
Eimear P. BonnerDate
Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Exhibit 99.1
Resource Extraction Payment Report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023

Payments Overview1,2
(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
CountryBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Angola66,440 7,752 642 1,513,749 328,357 23,833 1,940,773 
Argentina16,737 — 236 — 129,878 87,473 234,324 
Australia— 1,009 22,474 — — 3,952,925 3,976,408 
Bangladesh— 200 726 813,550 — 69,605 884,080 
Canada— — 9,565 — 198,355 808,658 1,016,578 
China— — 13,762 — — 54,930 68,692 
Congo, Republic of the— — 209 2,511 — 13,720 16,440 
Equatorial Guinea— 963 699 610,398 213,187 319,762 1,145,008 
Indonesia— — 196 29,600 — 6,336 36,132 
Israel— — — — 154,164 299,013 453,177 
Kazakhstan— — — — — 152,685 152,685 
Kuwait-Saudi Arabia Partitioned Zone— 5,000 — — 407,077 715,622 1,127,699 
Myanmar— — — — — 28,134 28,134 
Nigeria— 70,746 33,325 1,826,764 445,354 792,289 3,168,477 
Thailand— — — — 106,449 94,223 200,673 
United Kingdom— — — — — 191,080 191,080 
United States112,660 — 17,412 — 685,388 1,173,720 1,989,181 
Total195,837 85,670 99,245 4,796,570 2,668,210 8,784,008 16,629,540 
1 Chevron did not make any dividend or infrastructure payments reportable under Section 1504 regulations. Therefore, those categories have been excluded from all tables in this exhibit.
2 Amounts in this exhibit are shown in thousands of U.S. dollars. Totals are not corrected for rounding.
Chevron Corporation 2023 Resource Extraction Payment Report

(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
Government PayeePayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Agência Nacional de Petróleo, Gás e BiocombustíveisIn-kind— — — 402,032 — — 402,032 
USD66,440 7,752 — — — — 74,192 
Banco Nacional de AngolaUSD— — — — 328,357 23,833 352,190 
Caixa do Tesouro NacionalUSD— — 642 — — — 642 
Sonangol Pesquisa & ProduçãoIn-kind— — — 1,111,717 — — 1,111,717 
Total66,440 7,752 642 1,513,749 328,357 23,833 1,940,773 

(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
ProjectPayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Offshore-South Atlantic Ocean/Cabinda/Oil/Natural Gas/WellIn-kind— — — 1,513,749 — — 1,513,749 
USD66,440 7,752 642 — 328,357 23,833 427,025 
Total66,440 7,752 642 1,513,749 328,357 23,833 1,940,773 
Chevron Corporation 2023 Resource Extraction Payment Report

(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
Government PayeePayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Administración Federal de Ingresos PúblicosARS— — — — — 75,161 75,161 
Direccion General Rentas CapitalARS— — — — — 1,870 1,870 
Rentas Generales NeuquenARS16,737 — 236 — 129,878 10,443 157,293 
Total16,737  236  129,878 87,473 234,324 

(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
ProjectPayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Neuquén/Oil/Natural Gas/WellARS16,737 — 236 — 129,878 85,314 232,165 
Entity-level paymentsARS— — — — — 2,159 2,159 
Total16,737  236  129,878 87,473 234,324 
Chevron Corporation 2023 Resource Extraction Payment Report

(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
Government PayeePayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Australian Earth Science EducationAUD— 378 — — — — 378 
Australian Taxation OfficeAUD— — — — — 3,798,196 3,798,196 
Construction Training FundAUD— — 1,211 — — — 1,211 
Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and SafetyAUD— — 603 — — — 603 
Department of FinanceAUD— — 801 — — — 801 
Department of Industry, Science and ResourcesAUD— — — — — 142,010 142,010 
Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and InnovationAUD— 492 64 — — — 556 
Department of Mines and PetroleumAUD— — 723 — — 3,359 4,082 
Department of Planning, Lands and HeritageAUD— — 2,647 — — — 2,647 
Department of TransportAUD— — 390 — — — 390 
Department of Water and Environmental RegulationAUD— — 974 — — — 974 
National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management AuthorityAUD— — 1,370 — — — 1,370 
National Offshore Petroleum Titles AdministratorAUD— — 779 — — — 779 
Pilbara Port AuthorityAUD— — 909 — — — 909 
Shire of AshburtonAUD— 140 8,390 — — 9,359 17,889 
Western Australian Land AuthorityAUD— — 3,613 — — — 3,613 
Total 1,009 22,474   3,952,925 3,976,408 

(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
ProjectPayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Offshore-Indian Ocean/Western Australia/Oil/Natural Gas/WellAUD— 631 22,474 — — 154,729 177,834 
Entity-level paymentsAUD— 378 — — — 3,798,196 3,798,574 
Total 1,009 22,474   3,952,925 3,976,408 
Chevron Corporation 2023 Resource Extraction Payment Report

(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
Government PayeePayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
PetroBanglaIn-kind— — — 813,550 — — 813,550 
USD— 200 726 — — 69,605 70,531 
Total 200 726 813,550  69,605 884,080 

(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
ProjectPayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Sylhet/Natural Gas/WellIn-kind— — — 813,550 — — 813,550 
USD— 200 726 — — 69,605 70,531 
Total 200 726 813,550  69,605 884,080 
Chevron Corporation 2023 Resource Extraction Payment Report

(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
Government PayeePayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Alberta Energy RegulatorCAD— — 1,901 — — — 1,901 
Canada Development Investment CorporationCAD— — — — 33,995 — 33,995 
Canada Newfoundland & Labrador Offshore Petroleum BoardCAD— — 6,067 — — — 6,067 
Government of AlbertaCAD— — 127 — — 162,084 162,211 
Government of Newfoundland and LabradorCAD— — — — 107,197 — 107,197 
Minister of FinanceCAD— — 1,172 — — — 1,172 
Municipal District of GreenviewCAD— — — — — 2,305 2,305 
Newfoundland ExchequerCAD— — 298 — — — 298 
Northern Rockies RegionalCAD— — — — — 166 166 
Provincial TreasurerCAD— — — — 10,111 — 10,111 
Receiver General for CanadaCAD— — — — 47,051 644,103 691,154 
Total  9,565  198,355 808,658 1,016,578 

(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
ProjectPayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Alberta/Oil/Natural Gas/WellCAD— — 3,080 — 10,111 2,305 15,496 
British Columbia/Natural Gas/WellCAD— — 120 — — 166 286 
Offshore-Atlantic Ocean/Newfoundland and Labrador/Oil/WellCAD— — 3,998 — 188,244 — 192,242 
Entity-level paymentsCAD— — 2,367 — — 806,187 808,554 
Total  9,565  198,355 808,658 1,016,578 
Chevron Corporation 2023 Resource Extraction Payment Report

(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
Government PayeePayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Guangdong Provincial Tax BureauCNY— — 2,010 — — 3,408 5,418 
Kaizhou Tax BureauCNY— — — — — 5,728 5,728 
Tianjin Tax BureauCNY— — 11,752 — — 36,886 48,638 
XuanHan Tax BureauCNY— — — — — 8,907 8,907 
Total  13,762   54,930 68,692 

(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
ProjectPayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Chongqing Shi/Natural Gas/WellCNY— — — — — 5,728 5,728 
Sichuan Sheng/Natural Gas/WellCNY— — — — — 8,907 8,907 
Offshore-Bohai Bay/Tianjin Shi/Oil/WellCNY— — 11,752 — — — 11,752 
Offshore-South China Sea/Guangdong Sheng/Oil/WellCNY— — 2,010 — — — 2,010 
Entity-level paymentsCNY— — — — — 40,294 40,294 
Total  13,762   54,930 68,692 
Chevron Corporation 2023 Resource Extraction Payment Report

Congo, Republic of the
(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
Government PayeePayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Direction Generale Du TresorUSD— — — — — 12,383 12,383 
Ministry of FinanceUSD— — 209 — — 1,337 1,545 
Societe Nationale des Petroles du CongoIn-kind— — — 2,511 — — 2,511 
Total  209 2,511  13,720 16,440 

(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
ProjectPayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Offshore-South Atlantic Ocean/Pointe-Noire/Oil/Natural Gas/WellIn-kind— — — 2,511 — — 2,511 
USD— — 209 — — 10,890 11,098 
Entity-level paymentsUSD— — — — — 2,830 2,830 
Total  209 2,511  13,720 16,440 
Chevron Corporation 2023 Resource Extraction Payment Report

Equatorial Guinea
(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
Government PayeePayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
GE PetrolIn-kind— — — 260,362 — — 260,362 
Ministerio de Minas e HidrocarburosIn-kind— — — 350,036 213,187 — 563,223 
XAF— 963 699 — — — 1,662 
Tesoro PúblicoUSD— — — — — 222,789 222,789 
XAF— — — — — 96,973 96,973 
Total 963 699 610,398 213,187 319,762 1,145,008 

(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
ProjectPayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Offshore-Atlantic Ocean/Bioko Nord/Oil/Natural Gas/WellIn-kind— — — 610,398 213,187  1— 823,585 
XAF— 963 699 — — — 1,662 
Entity-level paymentsUSD— — — — — 222,789 222,789 
XAF— — — — — 96,973 96,973 
Total 963 699 610,398 213,187 319,762 1,145,008 
1 Royalties to the government are paid in-kind and are disclosed at fair value.
Chevron Corporation 2023 Resource Extraction Payment Report

(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
Government PayeePayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Directorate General of TaxesUSD— — — — — 6,336 6,336 
PT Surveyor IndonesiaUSD— — 196 — — — 196 
SKK MigasUSD— — — 29,600 — — 29,600 
Total  196 29,600  6,336 36,132 

(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
ProjectPayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Sumatera/Oil/Natural Gas/WellUSD— — — 14,624 — — 14,624 
Offshore-Makassar Strait/Kalimantan Timur/Oil/Natural Gas/WellUSD— — — 14,976 — — 14,976 
Entity-level paymentsUSD— — 196 — — 6,336 6,532 
Total  196 29,600  6,336 36,132 
Chevron Corporation 2023 Resource Extraction Payment Report

(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
Government PayeePayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Ministry of EnergyUSD— — — — 154,164 — 154,164 
Ministry of FinanceILS— — — — — 299,013 299,013 
Total    154,164 299,013 453,177 

(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
ProjectPayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Offshore-Mediterranean Sea/H̱efa/Oil/Natural Gas/WellILS— — — — — 299,013 299,013 
USD— — — — 154,164 — 154,164 
Total    154,164 299,013 453,177 
Chevron Corporation 2023 Resource Extraction Payment Report

(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
Government PayeePayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
The State Revenue CommitteeUSD— — — — — 152,685 152,685 
Total     152,685 152,685 

(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
ProjectPayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Batys Qazaqstan oblysy/Oil/Natural Gas/WellUSD— — — — — 152,685 152,685 
Total     152,685 152,685 
Chevron Corporation 2023 Resource Extraction Payment Report

Kuwait-Saudi Arabia Partitioned Zone
(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
Government PayeePayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Saudi Arabian Monetary AuthorityUSD— — — — 407,077 715,622 1,122,699 
Saudi Petroleum Services PolytechnicUSD— 5,000 — — — — 5,000 
Total 5,000   407,077 715,622 1,127,699 

(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
ProjectPayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Al Aḩmadī/Oil/WellUSD— 5,000 — — 407,077 715,622 1,127,699 
Total 5,000   407,077 715,622 1,127,699 
Chevron Corporation 2023 Resource Extraction Payment Report

(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
Government PayeePayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Large Taxpayers’ OfficeUSD— — — — — 28,134 28,134 
Total     28,134 28,134 

(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
ProjectPayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Offshore-Andaman Sea/Yangon/Natural Gas/WellUSD— — — — — 28,134 28,134 
Total     28,134 28,134 
Chevron Corporation 2023 Resource Extraction Payment Report

(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
Government PayeePayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Federal Government of NigeriaNGN— — 4,860 — — — 4,860 
Federal Inland Revenue ServiceNGN— — 526 — — — 526 
USD— — — — — 792,289 792,289 
Host Communities Development TrustUSD— — 428 — — — 428 
Niger Delta Development CommissionNGN— 20,893 — — — — 20,893 
USD— 49,853 — — — — 49,853 
Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory AuthorityIn-kind— — — 156,301 — — 156,301 
USD— — 709 — — — 709 
Nigerian National Petroleum Company LimitedIn-kind— — — 1,670,463 — — 1,670,463 
USD— — 9,133 — — — 9,133 
Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory CommissionNGN— — 498 — — — 498 
USD— — 17,171 — 445,354 — 462,525 
Total 70,746 33,325 1,826,764 445,354 792,289 3,168,477 

Chevron Corporation 2023 Resource Extraction Payment Report

Nigeria (continued)
(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
ProjectPayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Bayelsa/Natural Gas/WellUSD— — 375 — 4,583 — 4,958 
Delta/Natural Gas/WellNGN— — 410 — — — 410 
Delta/Oil/Natural Gas/WellNGN— — 498 — — — 498 
USD— — 483 — 232,493 — 232,976 
Delta/Oil/WellNGN— — 526 — — — 526 
USD— — 5,960 — — — 5,960 
Offshore-Gulf of Guinea/Bayelsa/Oil/WellNGN— — 2,310 — — — 2,310 
USD— — 1,189 — 202,505 65,000 268,693 
Offshore-Gulf of Guinea/Delta/Natural Gas/WellNGN— — 2,139 — — — 2,139 
USD— — — — 5,773 — 5,773 
Offshore-Gulf of Guinea/Delta/Oil/Natural Gas/WellIn-kind— — — 1,670,463 — — 1,670,463 
Offshore-Gulf of Guinea/Delta/Oil/WellIn-kind— — — 156,301 — — 156,301 
USD— — 10,302 — — — 10,302 
Offshore-Gulf of Guinea/Ondo/Oil/WellUSD— — 9,133 — — — 9,133 
Entity-level paymentsNGN— 20,893 — — — — 20,893 
USD— 49,853 — — — 727,289 777,142 
Total 70,746 33,325 1,826,764 445,354 792,289 3,168,477 
Chevron Corporation 2023 Resource Extraction Payment Report

(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
Government PayeePayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Ministry of Energy, Department of Mineral FuelsTHB— — — — 106,449 — 106,449 
Ministry of Finance, Revenue DepartmentTHB— — — — — 94,223 94,223 
Total    106,449 94,223 200,673 

(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
ProjectPayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Offshore-Gulf of Thailand/Krung Thep Maha Nakhon/Oil/Natural Gas/WellTHB— — — — 106,449 94,223 200,673 
Total    106,449 94,223 200,673 
Chevron Corporation 2023 Resource Extraction Payment Report

United Kingdom
(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
Government PayeePayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
HM Revenue & CustomsGBP— — — — — 191,080 191,080 
Total     191,080 191,080 

(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
ProjectPayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Offshore-North Sea/Shetland Islands/Oil/Natural Gas/WellGBP— — — — — 194,840 194,840 
Entity-level paymentsGBP— — — — — (3,760)(3,760)
Total     191,080 191,080 
Chevron Corporation 2023 Resource Extraction Payment Report

United States
(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
Government PayeePayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
Bureau of Land ManagementUSD— — 1,740 — — — 1,740 
Department of the InteriorUSD112,660 — 3,278 — — — 115,938 
Internal Revenue ServiceUSD— — — — — 1,173,720 1,173,720 
Office of Natural Resources RevenueUSD— — 12,394 — 685,388 — 697,783 
Total112,660  17,412  685,388 1,173,720 1,989,181 

(Amounts in thousands of U.S. dollars)
ProjectPayment CurrencyBonusesCommunity & social responsibilityFeesProduction entitlementsRoyaltiesTaxesTotal
California/Oil/WellUSD— — — — 14,019 — 14,019 
Colorado/Oil/Natural Gas/WellUSD— — — — 4,319 — 4,319 
New Mexico/Oil/Natural Gas/WellUSD— — 1,740 — 229,446 — 231,186 
Texas/Oil/Natural Gas/WellUSD— — — — 235 — 235 
Wyoming/Oil/Natural Gas/WellUSD— — — — 503 — 503 
Offshore-Gulf of Mexico/Louisiana/Oil/Natural Gas/WellUSD— — 1,076 — 386,547 — 387,623 
Offshore-Gulf of Mexico/Texas/Oil/Natural Gas/WellUSD— — — — 50,320 — 50,320 
Entity-level paymentsUSD112,660 — 14,596 — — 1,173,720 1,300,976 
Total112,660  17,412  685,388 1,173,720 1,989,181 
Chevron Corporation 2023 Resource Extraction Payment Report
Document Information
12 Months Ended
Dec. 31, 2023
Document Information:  
Document Type 2.01 SD
Amendment false
CIK 0000093410
Registrant Name Chevron Corporation
Period End Date Dec. 31, 2023
Reporting Currency USD
Payments, by Category - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
Prod. Entitlements
Comm. Social Resp.
Total Payments
Total $ 8,784,008 $ 2,668,210 $ 99,245 $ 4,796,570 $ 195,837 $ 85,670 $ 16,629,540
Payments, by Project - 12 months ended Dec. 31, 2023 - USD ($)
Prod. Entitlements
Comm. Social Resp.
Total Payments
Total $ 8,784,008,000 $ 2,668,210,000 $ 99,245,000 $ 4,796,570,000 $ 195,837,000 $ 85,670,000 $ 16,629,540,000
Offshore-South Atlantic Ocean/Cabinda/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member]              
Total 23,833,000 328,357,000 642,000 1,513,749,000 66,440,000 7,752,000 1,940,773,000
Neuquén/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member]              
Total 85,314,000 129,878,000 236,000   16,737,000   232,165,000
Entity-level payments, Argentina [Member]              
Total 2,159,000           2,159,000
Offshore-Indian Ocean/Western Australia/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member]              
Total 154,729,000   22,474,000     631,000 177,834,000
Entity-level payments, Australia [Member]              
Total 3,798,196,000         378,000 3,798,574,000
Sylhet/Natural Gas/Well [Member]              
Total 69,605,000   726,000 813,550,000   200,000 884,080,000
Alberta/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member]              
Total 2,305,000 10,111,000 3,080,000       15,496,000
British Columbia/Natural Gas/Well [Member]              
Total 166,000   120,000       286,000
Offshore-Atlantic Ocean/Newfoundland and Labrador/Oil/Well [Member]              
Total   188,244,000 3,998,000       192,242,000
Entity-level payments, Canada [Member]              
Total 806,187,000   2,367,000       808,554,000
Chongqing Shi/Natural Gas/Well [Member]              
Total 5,728,000           5,728,000
Sichuan Sheng/Natural Gas/Well [Member]              
Total 8,907,000           8,907,000
Offshore-Bohai Bay/Tianjin Shi/Oil/Well [Member]              
Total     11,752,000       11,752,000
Offshore-South China Sea/Guangdong Sheng/Oil/Well [Member]              
Total     2,010,000       2,010,000
Entity-level payments, China [Member]              
Total 40,294,000           40,294,000
Offshore-South Atlantic Ocean/Pointe-Noire/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member]              
Total 10,890,000   209,000 2,511,000     13,609,000
Entity-level payments, Republic of the Congo [Member]              
Total 2,830,000           2,830,000
Offshore-Atlantic Ocean/Bioko Nord/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member]              
Total   213,187,000 699,000 610,398,000   963,000 825,247,000
Entity-level payments, Equatorial Guinea [Member]              
Total 319,762,000           319,762,000
Sumatera/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member]              
Total       14,624,000     14,624,000
Offshore-Makassar Strait/Kalimantan Timur/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member]              
Total       14,976,000     14,976,000
Entity-level payments, Indonesia [Member]              
Total 6,336,000   196,000       6,532,000
Offshore-Mediterranean Sea/H̱efa/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member]              
Total 299,013,000 154,164,000         453,177,000
Batys Qazaqstan oblysy/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member]              
Total 152,685,000           152,685,000
Al Aḩmadī/Oil/Well [Member]              
Total 715,622,000 407,077,000       5,000,000 1,127,699,000
Offshore-Andaman Sea/Yangon/Natural Gas/Well [Member]              
Total 28,134,000           28,134,000
Bayelsa/Natural Gas/Well [Member]              
Total   4,583,000 375,000       4,958,000
Delta/Natural Gas/Well [Member]              
Total     410,000       410,000
Delta/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member]              
Total   232,493,000 981,000       233,474,000
Offshore-Gulf of Guinea/Bayelsa/Oil/Well [Member]              
Total 65,000,000 202,505,000 3,499,000       271,003,000
Offshore-Gulf of Guinea/Delta/Natural Gas/Well [Member]              
Total   5,773,000 2,139,000       7,912,000
Offshore-Gulf of Guinea/Delta/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member]              
Total       1,670,463,000     1,670,463,000
Offshore-Gulf of Guinea/Delta/Oil/Well [Member]              
Total     10,302,000 $ 156,301,000     166,602,000
Offshore-Gulf of Guinea/Ondo/Oil/Well [Member]              
Total     9,133,000       9,133,000
Entity-level payments, Nigeria [Member]              
Total 727,289,000         $ 70,746,000 798,034,000
Delta/Oil/Well [Member]              
Total     6,486,000       6,486,000
Offshore-Gulf of Thailand/Krung Thep Maha Nakhon/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member]              
Total 94,223,000 106,449,000         200,673,000
Offshore-North Sea/Shetland Islands/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member]              
Total 194,840,000           194,840,000
Entity-level payments, United Kingdom [Member]              
Total (3,760,000)           (3,760,000)
California/Oil/Well [Member]              
Total   14,019,000         14,019,000
Colorado/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member]              
Total   4,319,000         4,319,000
New Mexico/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member]              
Total   229,446,000 1,740,000       231,186,000
Texas/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member]              
Total   235,000         235,000
Wyoming/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member]              
Total   503,000         503,000
Offshore-Gulf of Mexico/Louisiana/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member]              
Total   386,547,000 1,076,000       387,623,000
Offshore-Gulf of Mexico/Texas/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member]              
Total   $ 50,320,000         50,320,000
Entity-level payments, United States [Member]              
Total $ 1,173,720,000   $ 14,596,000   $ 112,660,000   $ 1,300,976,000
Payments, by Government - 12 months ended Dec. 31, 2023 - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
Prod. Entitlements
Comm. Social Resp.
Total Payments
Total $ 8,784,008 $ 2,668,210 $ 99,245 $ 4,796,570 $ 195,837 $ 85,670 $ 16,629,540
Total 23,833 328,357 642 1,513,749 66,440 7,752 1,940,773
ANGOLA | Agência Nacional de Petróleo, Gás e Biocombustíveis [Member]              
Total       402,032 66,440 7,752 476,224
ANGOLA | Banco Nacional de Angola [Member]              
Total 23,833 328,357         352,190
ANGOLA | Caixa do Tesouro Nacional [Member]              
Total     642       642
ANGOLA | Sonangol Pesquisa & Produção [Member]              
Total       1,111,717     1,111,717
Total 87,473 129,878 236   16,737   234,324
ARGENTINA | Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos [Member]              
Total 75,161           75,161
ARGENTINA | Direccion General Rentas Capital [Member]              
Total 1,870           1,870
ARGENTINA | Rentas Generales Neuquen [Member]              
Total 10,443 129,878 236   16,737   157,293
Total 3,952,925   22,474     1,009 3,976,408
AUSTRALIA | Australian Earth Science Education [Member]              
Total           378 378
AUSTRALIA | Australian Taxation Office [Member]              
Total 3,798,196           3,798,196
AUSTRALIA | Construction Training Fund [Member]              
Total     1,211       1,211
AUSTRALIA | Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety [Member]              
Total     603       603
AUSTRALIA | Department of Finance [Member]              
Total     801       801
AUSTRALIA | Department of Industry, Science and Resources [Member]              
Total 142,010           142,010
AUSTRALIA | Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation [Member]              
Total     64     492 556
AUSTRALIA | Department of Mines and Petroleum [Member]              
Total 3,359   723       4,082
AUSTRALIA | Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage [Member]              
Total     2,647       2,647
AUSTRALIA | Department of Transport [Member]              
Total     390       390
AUSTRALIA | Department of Water and Environmental Regulation [Member]              
Total     974       974
AUSTRALIA | National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority [Member]              
Total     1,370       1,370
AUSTRALIA | National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator [Member]              
Total     779       779
AUSTRALIA | Pilbara Port Authority [Member]              
Total     909       909
AUSTRALIA | Shire of Ashburton [Member]              
Total 9,359   8,390     140 17,889
AUSTRALIA | Western Australian Land Authority [Member]              
Total     3,613       3,613
Total 69,605   726 813,550   200 884,080
BANGLADESH | PetroBangla [Member]              
Total 69,605   726 813,550   200 884,080
Total 808,658 198,355 9,565       1,016,578
CANADA | Alberta Energy Regulator [Member]              
Total     1,901       1,901
CANADA | Canada Development Investment Corporation [Member]              
Total   33,995         33,995
CANADA | Canada Newfoundland & Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board [Member]              
Total     6,067       6,067
CANADA | Government of Alberta [Member]              
Total 162,084   127       162,211
CANADA | Government of Newfoundland and Labrador [Member]              
Total   107,197         107,197
CANADA | Minister of Finance [Member]              
Total     1,172       1,172
CANADA | Municipal District of Greenview [Member]              
Total 2,305           2,305
CANADA | Newfoundland Exchequer [Member]              
Total     298       298
CANADA | Northern Rockies Regional [Member]              
Total 166           166
CANADA | Provincial Treasurer [Member]              
Total   10,111         10,111
CANADA | Receiver General for Canada [Member]              
Total 644,103 47,051         691,154
Total 54,930   13,762       68,692
CHINA | Guangdong Provincial Tax Bureau [Member]              
Total 3,408   2,010       5,418
CHINA | Kaizhou Tax Bureau [Member]              
Total 5,728           5,728
CHINA | Tianjin Tax Bureau [Member]              
Total 36,886   11,752       48,638
CHINA | XuanHan Tax Bureau [Member]              
Total 8,907           8,907
Total 13,720   209 2,511     16,440
CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE | Direction Generale Du Tresor [Member]              
Total 12,383           12,383
CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE | Ministry of Finance [Member]              
Total 1,337   209       1,545
CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE | Societe Nationale des Petroles du Congo [Member]              
Total       2,511     2,511
Total 319,762 213,187 699 610,398   963 1,145,008
EQUATORIAL GUINEA | GE Petrol [Member]              
Total       260,362     260,362
EQUATORIAL GUINEA | Ministerio de Minas e Hidrocarburos [Member]              
Total   213,187 699 350,036   963 564,885
EQUATORIAL GUINEA | Tesoro Público [Member]              
Total 319,762           319,762
Total 6,336   196 29,600     36,132
INDONESIA | Directorate General of Taxes [Member]              
Total 6,336           6,336
INDONESIA | PT Surveyor Indonesia [Member]              
Total     196       196
INDONESIA | SKK Migas [Member]              
Total       29,600     29,600
Total 299,013 154,164         453,177
ISRAEL | Ministry of Finance [Member]              
Total 299,013           299,013
ISRAEL | Ministry of Energy [Member]              
Total   154,164         154,164
Total 152,685           152,685
KAZAKHSTAN | The State Revenue Committee [Member]              
Total 152,685           152,685
SAUDI ARABIA              
Total 715,622 407,077       5,000 1,127,699
SAUDI ARABIA | Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority [Member]              
Total 715,622 407,077         1,122,699
SAUDI ARABIA | Saudi Petroleum Services Polytechnic [Member]              
Total           5,000 5,000
Total 28,134           28,134
MYANMAR | Large Taxpayers’ Office [Member]              
Total 28,134           28,134
Total 792,289 445,354 33,325 1,826,764   70,746 3,168,477
NIGERIA | Federal Government of Nigeria [Member]              
Total     4,860       4,860
NIGERIA | Federal Inland Revenue Service [Member]              
Total 792,289   526       792,815
NIGERIA | Host Communities Development Trust [Member]              
Total     428       428
NIGERIA | Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority [Member]              
Total     709 156,301     157,010
NIGERIA | Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited [Member]              
Total     9,133 $ 1,670,463     1,679,596
NIGERIA | Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission [Member]              
Total   445,354 17,669       463,022
NIGERIA | Niger Delta Development Commission [Member]              
Total           $ 70,746 70,746
Total 94,223 106,449         200,673
THAILAND | Ministry of Energy, Department of Mineral Fuels [Member]              
Total   106,449         106,449
THAILAND | Ministry of Finance, Revenue Department [Member]              
Total 94,223           94,223
UNITED KINGDOM              
Total 191,080           191,080
UNITED KINGDOM | HM Revenue & Customs [Member]              
Total 191,080           191,080
UNITED STATES              
Total 1,173,720 685,388 17,412   112,660   1,989,181
UNITED STATES | Bureau of Land Management [Member]              
Total     1,740       1,740
UNITED STATES | Department of the Interior [Member]              
Total     3,278   $ 112,660   115,938
UNITED STATES | Internal Revenue Service [Member]              
Total $ 1,173,720           1,173,720
UNITED STATES | Office of Natural Resources Revenue [Member]              
Total   $ 685,388 $ 12,394       $ 697,783
Payments, Details - 12 months ended Dec. 31, 2023 - USD ($)
$ in Thousands
Subnat. Juris.
Ext. Method
In-kind Calc.
#: 1                      
$ 66,440 Bonuses ANGOLA snj:AO-CAB Agência Nacional de Petróleo, Gás e Biocombustíveis [Member] Offshore-South Atlantic Ocean/Cabinda/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 2                      
7,752 Comm. Social Resp. ANGOLA snj:AO-CAB Agência Nacional de Petróleo, Gás e Biocombustíveis [Member] Offshore-South Atlantic Ocean/Cabinda/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 3                      
402,032 Comm. Social Resp. ANGOLA snj:AO-CAB Agência Nacional de Petróleo, Gás e Biocombustíveis [Member] Offshore-South Atlantic Ocean/Cabinda/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well Yes Disclosed at fair value
#: 4                      
328,357 Royalties ANGOLA snj:AO-CAB Banco Nacional de Angola [Member] Offshore-South Atlantic Ocean/Cabinda/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 5                      
23,833 Taxes ANGOLA snj:AO-CAB Banco Nacional de Angola [Member] Offshore-South Atlantic Ocean/Cabinda/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 6                      
642 Fees ANGOLA snj:AO-CAB Caixa do Tesouro Nacional [Member] Offshore-South Atlantic Ocean/Cabinda/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 7                      
1,111,717 Prod. Entitlements ANGOLA snj:AO-CAB Sonangol Pesquisa & Produção [Member] Offshore-South Atlantic Ocean/Cabinda/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well Yes Disclosed at fair value
#: 8                      
290 Taxes ARGENTINA snj:AR-Q Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos [Member] Entity-level payments, Argentina [Member]          
#: 9                      
74,872 Bonuses ARGENTINA snj:AR-Q Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos [Member] Neuquén/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 10                      
1,870 Taxes ARGENTINA snj:AR-Q Direccion General Rentas Capital [Member] Entity-level payments, Argentina [Member]          
#: 11                      
16,737 Bonuses ARGENTINA snj:AR-Q Rentas Generales Neuquen [Member] Neuquén/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 12                      
236 Fees ARGENTINA snj:AR-Q Rentas Generales Neuquen [Member] Neuquén/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 13                      
129,878 Royalties ARGENTINA snj:AR-Q Rentas Generales Neuquen [Member] Neuquén/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 14                      
10,443 Taxes ARGENTINA snj:AR-Q Rentas Generales Neuquen [Member] Neuquén/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 15                      
378 Comm. Social Resp. AUSTRALIA   Australian Earth Science Education [Member] Entity-level payments, Australia [Member]          
#: 16                      
492 Comm. Social Resp. AUSTRALIA snj:AU-WA Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation [Member] Offshore-Indian Ocean/Western Australia/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 17                      
140 Comm. Social Resp. AUSTRALIA snj:AU-WA Shire of Ashburton [Member] Offshore-Indian Ocean/Western Australia/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 18                      
1,211 Fees AUSTRALIA snj:AU-WA Construction Training Fund [Member] Offshore-Indian Ocean/Western Australia/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 19                      
603 Fees AUSTRALIA snj:AU-WA Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety [Member] Offshore-Indian Ocean/Western Australia/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 20                      
801 Fees AUSTRALIA snj:AU-WA Department of Finance [Member] Offshore-Indian Ocean/Western Australia/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 21                      
64 Fees AUSTRALIA snj:AU-WA Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation [Member] Offshore-Indian Ocean/Western Australia/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 22                      
723 Fees AUSTRALIA snj:AU-WA Department of Mines and Petroleum [Member] Offshore-Indian Ocean/Western Australia/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 23                      
2,647 Fees AUSTRALIA snj:AU-WA Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage [Member] Offshore-Indian Ocean/Western Australia/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 24                      
390 Fees AUSTRALIA snj:AU-WA Department of Transport [Member] Offshore-Indian Ocean/Western Australia/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 25                      
974 Fees AUSTRALIA snj:AU-WA Department of Water and Environmental Regulation [Member] Offshore-Indian Ocean/Western Australia/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 26                      
1,370 Fees AUSTRALIA snj:AU-WA National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority [Member] Offshore-Indian Ocean/Western Australia/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 27                      
779 Fees AUSTRALIA snj:AU-WA National Offshore Petroleum Titles Administrator [Member] Offshore-Indian Ocean/Western Australia/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 28                      
909 Fees AUSTRALIA snj:AU-WA Pilbara Port Authority [Member] Offshore-Indian Ocean/Western Australia/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 29                      
8,390 Fees AUSTRALIA snj:AU-WA Shire of Ashburton [Member] Offshore-Indian Ocean/Western Australia/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 30                      
3,613 Fees AUSTRALIA snj:AU-WA Western Australian Land Authority [Member] Offshore-Indian Ocean/Western Australia/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 31                      
3,798,196 Taxes AUSTRALIA   Australian Taxation Office [Member] Entity-level payments, Australia [Member]          
#: 32                      
142,010 Taxes AUSTRALIA snj:AU-WA Department of Industry, Science and Resources [Member] Offshore-Indian Ocean/Western Australia/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 33                      
3,359 Taxes AUSTRALIA snj:AU-WA Department of Mines and Petroleum [Member] Offshore-Indian Ocean/Western Australia/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 34                      
9,359 Taxes AUSTRALIA snj:AU-WA Shire of Ashburton [Member] Offshore-Indian Ocean/Western Australia/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 35                      
200 Comm. Social Resp. BANGLADESH snj:BD-G PetroBangla [Member] Sylhet/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 36                      
726 Fees BANGLADESH snj:BD-G PetroBangla [Member] Sylhet/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 37                      
813,550 Prod. Entitlements BANGLADESH snj:BD-G PetroBangla [Member] Sylhet/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well Yes Disclosed at fair value
#: 38                      
69,605 Taxes BANGLADESH snj:BD-G PetroBangla [Member] Sylhet/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 39                      
1,901 Fees CANADA snj:CA-AB Alberta Energy Regulator [Member] Alberta/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 40                      
3,700 Fees CANADA snj:CA-NL Canada Newfoundland & Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board [Member] Offshore-Atlantic Ocean/Newfoundland and Labrador/Oil/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 41                      
2,367 Fees CANADA snj:CA-NL Canada Newfoundland & Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board [Member] Entity-level payments, Canada [Member]          
#: 42                      
127 Fees CANADA snj:CA-AB Government of Alberta [Member] Alberta/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 43                      
1,053 Fees CANADA snj:CA-AB Minister of Finance [Member] Alberta/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 44                      
120 Fees CANADA snj:CA-BC Minister of Finance [Member] British Columbia/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 45                      
298 Fees CANADA snj:CA-NL Newfoundland Exchequer [Member] Offshore-Atlantic Ocean/Newfoundland and Labrador/Oil/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 46                      
33,995 Fees CANADA snj:CA-NL Canada Development Investment Corporation [Member] Offshore-Atlantic Ocean/Newfoundland and Labrador/Oil/Well [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 47                      
107,197 Fees CANADA snj:CA-NL Government of Newfoundland and Labrador [Member] Offshore-Atlantic Ocean/Newfoundland and Labrador/Oil/Well [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 48                      
10,111 Fees CANADA snj:CA-AB Provincial Treasurer [Member] Alberta/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 49                      
47,051 Fees CANADA snj:CA-NL Receiver General for Canada [Member] Offshore-Atlantic Ocean/Newfoundland and Labrador/Oil/Well [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 50                      
162,084 Fees CANADA snj:CA-AB Government of Alberta [Member] Entity-level payments, Canada [Member]          
#: 51                      
2,305 Fees CANADA snj:CA-AB Municipal District of Greenview [Member] Alberta/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 52                      
166 Fees CANADA snj:CA-BC Northern Rockies Regional [Member] British Columbia/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 53                      
644,103 Fees CANADA   Receiver General for Canada [Member] Entity-level payments, Canada [Member]          
#: 54                      
2,010 Fees CHINA snj:CN-GD Guangdong Provincial Tax Bureau [Member] Offshore-South China Sea/Guangdong Sheng/Oil/Well [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 55                      
11,752 Fees CHINA snj:CN-TJ Tianjin Tax Bureau [Member] Offshore-Bohai Bay/Tianjin Shi/Oil/Well [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 56                      
3,408 Taxes CHINA snj:CN-GD Guangdong Provincial Tax Bureau [Member] Entity-level payments, China [Member]          
#: 57                      
5,728 Taxes CHINA snj:CN-CQ Kaizhou Tax Bureau [Member] Chongqing Shi/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 58                      
36,886 Taxes CHINA snj:CN-TJ Tianjin Tax Bureau [Member] Entity-level payments, China [Member]          
#: 59                      
8,907 Taxes CHINA snj:CN-SC XuanHan Tax Bureau [Member] Sichuan Sheng/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 60                      
9,553 Taxes CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE snj:CN-SC Direction Generale Du Tresor [Member] Offshore-South Atlantic Ocean/Pointe-Noire/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 61                      
2,830 Fees CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE   Direction Generale Du Tresor [Member] Entity-level payments, Republic of the Congo [Member]          
#: 62                      
209 Fees CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE snj:CG-16 Ministry of Finance [Member] Offshore-South Atlantic Ocean/Pointe-Noire/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 63                      
1,337 Taxes CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE snj:CG-16 Societe Nationale des Petroles du Congo [Member] Offshore-South Atlantic Ocean/Pointe-Noire/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 64                      
2,511 Prod. Entitlements CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE snj:CG-16 Societe Nationale des Petroles du Congo [Member] Offshore-South Atlantic Ocean/Pointe-Noire/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well Yes Disclosed at fair value
#: 65                      
260,362 Prod. Entitlements EQUATORIAL GUINEA snj:GQ-BN GE Petrol [Member] Offshore-Atlantic Ocean/Bioko Nord/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well Yes Disclosed at fair value
#: 66                      
350,036 Prod. Entitlements EQUATORIAL GUINEA snj:GQ-BN Ministerio de Minas e Hidrocarburos [Member] Offshore-Atlantic Ocean/Bioko Nord/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well Yes Disclosed at fair value
#: 67                      
213,187 Royalties EQUATORIAL GUINEA snj:GQ-BN Ministerio de Minas e Hidrocarburos [Member] Offshore-Atlantic Ocean/Bioko Nord/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well Yes Disclosed at fair value
#: 68                      
963 Comm. Social Resp. EQUATORIAL GUINEA snj:GQ-BN Ministerio de Minas e Hidrocarburos [Member] Offshore-Atlantic Ocean/Bioko Nord/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 69                      
699 Fees EQUATORIAL GUINEA snj:GQ-BN Ministerio de Minas e Hidrocarburos [Member] Offshore-Atlantic Ocean/Bioko Nord/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 70                      
319,762 Taxes EQUATORIAL GUINEA   Tesoro Público [Member] Entity-level payments, Equatorial Guinea [Member]          
#: 71                      
6,336 Taxes INDONESIA   Directorate General of Taxes [Member] Entity-level payments, Indonesia [Member]          
#: 72                      
196 Fees INDONESIA   PT Surveyor Indonesia [Member] Entity-level payments, Indonesia [Member]          
#: 73                      
14,624 Prod. Entitlements INDONESIA snj:ID-KI SKK Migas [Member] Sumatera/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 74                      
14,976 Prod. Entitlements INDONESIA snj:ID-KI SKK Migas [Member] Offshore-Makassar Strait/Kalimantan Timur/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 75                      
154,164 Royalties ISRAEL snj:IL-HA Ministry of Energy [Member] Offshore-Mediterranean Sea/H̱efa/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 76                      
299,013 Taxes ISRAEL snj:IL-HA Ministry of Finance [Member] Offshore-Mediterranean Sea/H̱efa/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 77                      
152,685 Taxes KAZAKHSTAN snj:KZ-ZAP The State Revenue Committee [Member] Batys Qazaqstan oblysy/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 78                      
407,077 Royalties SAUDI ARABIA snj:KW-AH Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority [Member] Al Aḩmadī/Oil/Well [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 79                      
715,622 Taxes SAUDI ARABIA snj:KW-AH Saudi Arabian Monetary Authority [Member] Al Aḩmadī/Oil/Well [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 80                      
5,000 Comm. Social Resp. SAUDI ARABIA snj:KW-AH Saudi Petroleum Services Polytechnic [Member] Al Aḩmadī/Oil/Well [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 81                      
28,134 Taxes MYANMAR snj:MM-06 Large Taxpayers’ Office [Member] Offshore-Andaman Sea/Yangon/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 82                      
410 Taxes MYANMAR snj:NG-DE Federal Government of Nigeria [Member] Delta/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 83                      
2,139 Taxes MYANMAR snj:NG-DE Federal Government of Nigeria [Member] Offshore-Gulf of Guinea/Delta/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 84                      
2,310 Taxes MYANMAR snj:NG-BY Federal Government of Nigeria [Member] Offshore-Gulf of Guinea/Bayelsa/Oil/Well [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 85                      
526 Taxes MYANMAR snj:NG-DE Federal Inland Revenue Service [Member] Delta/Oil/Well [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 86                      
65,000 Taxes NIGERIA snj:NG-BY Federal Inland Revenue Service [Member] Offshore-Gulf of Guinea/Bayelsa/Oil/Well [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 87                      
428 Taxes MYANMAR snj:NG-DE Host Communities Development Trust [Member] Offshore-Gulf of Guinea/Delta/Oil/Well [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 88                      
70,746 Comm. Social Resp. NIGERIA   Niger Delta Development Commission [Member] Entity-level payments, Nigeria [Member]          
#: 89                      
156,301 Prod. Entitlements NIGERIA snj:NG-DE Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority [Member] Offshore-Gulf of Guinea/Delta/Oil/Well [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well Yes Disclosed at fair value
#: 90                      
375 Prod. Entitlements NIGERIA snj:NG-BY Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority [Member] Bayelsa/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 91                      
335 Prod. Entitlements NIGERIA snj:NG-DE Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority [Member] Delta/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 92                      
1,670,463 Prod. Entitlements NIGERIA snj:NG-DE Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited [Member] Offshore-Gulf of Guinea/Delta/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well Yes Disclosed at fair value
#: 93                      
9,133 Fees NIGERIA snj:NG-ON Nigerian National Petroleum Company Limited [Member] Offshore-Gulf of Guinea/Ondo/Oil/Well [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 94                      
5,960 Prod. Entitlements NIGERIA snj:NG-DE Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission [Member] Delta/Oil/Well [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 95                      
9,873 Prod. Entitlements NIGERIA snj:NG-DE Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission [Member] Offshore-Gulf of Guinea/Delta/Oil/Well [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 96                      
646 Prod. Entitlements NIGERIA snj:NG-DE Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission [Member] Delta/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 97                      
1,189 Prod. Entitlements NIGERIA snj:NG-BY Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission [Member] Offshore-Gulf of Guinea/Bayelsa/Oil/Well [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 98                      
4,583 Royalties NIGERIA snj:NG-BY Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission [Member] Bayelsa/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 99                      
232,493 Royalties NIGERIA snj:NG-DE Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission [Member] Delta/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 100                      
202,505 Royalties NIGERIA snj:NG-BY Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission [Member] Offshore-Gulf of Guinea/Bayelsa/Oil/Well [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 101                      
5,773 Royalties NIGERIA snj:NG-DE Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission [Member] Offshore-Gulf of Guinea/Delta/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 102                      
727,289 Taxes NIGERIA   Federal Inland Revenue Service [Member] Entity-level payments, Nigeria [Member]          
#: 103                      
106,449 Royalties THAILAND snj:TH-10 Ministry of Energy, Department of Mineral Fuels [Member] Offshore-Gulf of Thailand/Krung Thep Maha Nakhon/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 104                      
94,223 Taxes THAILAND snj:TH-10 Ministry of Finance, Revenue Department [Member] Offshore-Gulf of Thailand/Krung Thep Maha Nakhon/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 105                      
194,840 Taxes UNITED KINGDOM snj:GB-ZET HM Revenue & Customs [Member] Offshore-North Sea/Shetland Islands/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 106                      
(3,760) Taxes UNITED KINGDOM   HM Revenue & Customs [Member] Entity-level payments, United Kingdom [Member]          
#: 107                      
112,660 Bonuses UNITED STATES   Department of the Interior [Member] Entity-level payments, United States [Member]          
#: 108                      
1,740 Fees UNITED STATES snj:US-NM Bureau of Land Management [Member] New Mexico/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 109                      
3,278 Fees UNITED STATES   Department of the Interior [Member] Entity-level payments, United States [Member]          
#: 110                      
1,076 Fees UNITED STATES snj:US-NM Bureau of Land Management [Member] New Mexico/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 111                      
11,318 Taxes UNITED STATES   Internal Revenue Service [Member] Entity-level payments, United States [Member]          
#: 112                      
14,019 Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-CA Office of Natural Resources Revenue [Member] California/Oil/Well [Member] Oil [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 113                      
4,319 Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-CO Office of Natural Resources Revenue [Member] Colorado/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 114                      
229,446 Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-NM Office of Natural Resources Revenue [Member] New Mexico/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 115                      
235 Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-TX Office of Natural Resources Revenue [Member] Texas/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 116                      
503 Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-WY Office of Natural Resources Revenue [Member] Wyoming/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 117                      
386,547 Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-LA Office of Natural Resources Revenue [Member] Offshore-Gulf of Mexico/Louisiana/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 118                      
50,320 Royalties UNITED STATES snj:US-TX Office of Natural Resources Revenue [Member] Offshore-Gulf of Mexico/Texas/Oil/Natural Gas/Well [Member] Oil/Natural Gas [Member] Upstream [Member] Well    
#: 119                      
$ 1,173,720 Taxes UNITED STATES   Internal Revenue Service [Member] Entity-level payments, United States [Member]          

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