2Q24 Earnings 2 Disclaimer This document is only provided for information purposes and is not intended to provide financial advice and,
therefore, does not constitute, nor should it be interpreted as, an offer to sell, exchange or acquire, or an invitation for offers to acquire securities issued by any of the aforementioned companies, or to contract any financial product. Any
decision to purchase or invest in securities or contract any financial product must be made solely and exclusively on the basis of the information made available to such effects by the company in relation to each specific matter. The information
contained in this document is subject to and should be read in conjunction with all other publicly available information of the issuer. This document contains forward-looking statements that constitute or may constitute forward-looking
statements (within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995) with respect to intentions, objectives, expectations or estimates as of the date hereof, including
those relating to future targets of both a financial and non-financial nature (such as environmental, social or governance (ESG) performance targets). Forward-looking statements may be identified by the fact that they do not refer to
historical or current facts and include words such as believe, expect, estimate, project, anticipate, duty, intend, likelihood, risk,
VaR, purpose, commitment, goal, target and similar expressions or variations of those expressions. They include, for example, statements regarding future growth rates or the achievement of
future targets, including those relating to ESG performance. The information contained in this document reflects our current expectations and targets, which are based on various assumptions, judgments and projections, including non-financial
considerations such as those related to sustainability, which may differ from and not be comparable to those used by other companies. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future results, and actual results may differ materially from
those anticipated in the forward-looking statements as a result of certain risks, uncertainties and other factors. These factors include, but are not limited to, (1) market conditions, macroeconomic factors, domestic and international stock market
movements, exchange rates, inflation and interest rates; (2) regulatory and oversight factors, political and governmental guidelines, social and demographic factors; (3) changes in the financial condition, creditworthiness or solvency of our
clients, debtors or counterparties, such as changes in default rates, as well as changes in consumer spending, savings and investment behavior, and changes in our credit ratings; (4) competitive pressures and actions we take in response thereto; (5)
performance of our IT, operations and control systems and our ability to adapt to technological changes; (6) climate change and the occurrence of natural or man-made disasters, such as an outbreak or escalation of hostilities; and (7) our ability to
appropriately address any ESG expectations or obligations (related to our business, management, corporate governance, disclosure or otherwise), and the cost thereof. In the particular case of certain targets related to our ESG performance, such as,
decarbonization targets or alignment of our portfolios, the achievement and progress towards such targets will depend to a large extent on the actions of third parties, such as clients, governments and other stakeholders, and may therefore be
materially affected by such actions, or lack thereof, as well as by other exogenous factors that do not depend on BBVA (including, but not limited to, new technological developments, regulatory developments, military conflicts, the evolution of
climate and energy crises, etc.). Therefore, these targets may be subject to future revisions. The factors mentioned in the preceding paragraphs could cause actual future results to differ substantially from those set forth in the forecasts,
intentions, objectives, targets or other forward-looking statements included in this document or in other past or future documents. Accordingly, results, including those related to ESG performance targets, among others, may differ materially from
the statements contained in the forward-looking statements. Recipients of this document are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements. Past performance or growth rates are not indicative of future performance, results
or share price (including earnings per share). Nothing in this document should be construed as a forecast of results or future earnings. BBVA does not intend, and undertakes no obligation, to update or revise the contents of this or any other
document if there are any changes in the information contained therein, or including the forward-looking statements contained in any such document, as a result of events or circumstances after the date of such document or otherwise except as
required by applicable law. This document may contain summarised information or information that has not been audited, and its recipients are invited to consult the documentation and public information filed by BBVA with stock market supervisory
bodies, in particular, the prospectuses and periodical information filed with the Spanish Securities Exchange Commission (CNMV) and the Annual Report on Form 20-F and information on Form 6-K that are filed with the US Securities and Exchange
Commission. Distribution of this document in other jurisdictions may be prohibited, and recipients into whose possession this document comes shall be solely responsible for informing themselves about, and observing any such restrictions. By
accepting this document you agree to be bound by the foregoing restrictions.