RNS Number : 7361E
  Oakdene Homes PLC
  30 September 2008

    In common with most housebuilders Oakdene has suffered from the effects of the turmoil in global markets which has led to a shortage of
mortgage availability and a general lack of buyer confidence. This has resulted in very challenging market conditions and against this
background we report a downturn in turnover and profits.

    Results and dividend
    Turnover for the first six months to 30 June 2008 was �11.05m (2007 restated: �18.88m) and profit before tax and exceptional charges was
�0.65m (2007 restated: �1.50m).  Basic earnings per share on this basis were 0.8p (2007 restated: 3.0p). 
    The directors have decided that there will be no interim dividend this year (2007: 1.25p). 

    Change of accounting policy

    The purchasers involved in two contracts for trade sales the profits of which were included in our December 2006 and 2007 accounts have
failed to complete and the purchasers have forfeited their deposits. In the course of finalising these interim results the Board has
therefore decided to adopt a more prudent policy with regard to completions. This requires the restatement of the 2006 and 2007 accounts and
the net effect is to reduce profit after tax in the year ended 31 December 2006 by �3.1 million and to reduce the profit after tax in the
year ended 31 December 2007 by �3.4 million. This change in policy means that in future all transactions will only be recognized as complete
when the cash proceeds have been received. This has always been the policy for residential purchases by private individuals. The comparative
figures for June 2007 and December 2007 have been restated to reflect this change.

    Exceptional costs

    In the opinion of the Directors the total market value of the land that we own is considerably in excess of the historic cost shown in
the Balance Sheet particularly on our larger sites where we have been successful in obtaining significant planning gains. Whilst we have
prudently written down the value of a number of our smaller sites accounting standards do not allow us to recognize any increase in value of
the larger sites in the Balance Sheet where we still believe we have a considerable capital surplus. The total of these required impairments
on the smaller sites is �6.995m and this has been shown in the Income Statement as an exceptional cost.

    Review of operations
    The emphasis in the first half of 2008 has become more and more focused on generating cash and reducing costs as much as possible. As
was announced in May 2008 planning permission was received for another 337 units at our flagship Newhaven development but construction work
will not commence until market conditions improve other than necessary preliminary work. Construction has recently completed at our Reigate
and Edenbridge sites and the speed of construction work has been slowed down at our Redhill, Penshurst and Isle of Wight sites. We will not
commence development of any new sites in the near future. In addition, we have reviewed all our overhead expenditure and made significant
savings. Unfortunately savings in overheads usually means reductions in staffing levels and we have reduced staff by approximately one third
by way of natural wastage and redundancies.
    Sales at all our sites have been affected by current market conditions but we are continuing to sell, albeit at a slower rate than we
would wish, and at lower net prices. 
    Bank Support  
    As a result of the fall in profits, the Company, like many other housebuilders in these very difficult market conditions, is closely
monitoring bank borrowings and covenants. The Company is in breach of its covenants with its lenders and is currently relying on a temporary
facility. Discussions around future banking terms are ongoing with our bankers.  We are extremely grateful for their help and support to
date and we are seeking to reach agreement on future support shortly.


    Although in recent weeks we have seen a welcome increase in reservation rates and a reduction in cancellations, it is too early to
predict whether this is a sign of an upturn in the market or whether it is entirely due to normal seasonal factors.
    The primary objective of the Board is to reduce our borrowings and gearing by concentrating on selling residential units and sites and
restricting expenditure as much as possible. As mentioned above we believe we have a very significant asset value that can be developed and
our main duty is to protect this asset value for shareholders. This policy will take precedence over the achievement of short term profits.

    The directors and staff have endured a very difficult period and I thank them for the dedication and determination that they have

    Philip Stephens

    30 September 2008

    Income statement for the 6 months ended the 30th June 2008

                                                             30-Jun-08  30-Jun-07   31-Dec-07
                                    Before   Exceptional     Unaudited  Unaudited     Audited
                                 exceptiona         items                Restated    Restated
                                    l items
                                      �'000         �'000        �'000      �'000       �'000
 Revenue                                                        11,047     18,881      28,519
                                     11,047             -
 Cost of sales                                                (12,130)   (15,431)    (23,517)
                                    (8,025)       (4,105)
 Amortisation of fair value                                    (3,205)       (21)        (36)
 adjustment on WIP

                                      (315)       (2,890)

 Gross profit                                                  (4,288)      3,429       4,966
                                      2,707       (6,995)

 Administrative expenses                                       (1,833)    (1,717)     (3,771)
                                    (1,833)             -

 Profit from operations                                        (6,121)      1,712       1,195

                                        874       (6,995)

 Finance cost                         (228)             -        (228)      (206)       (604)

 (Loss) / Profit before tax                                  (6,349)       1,506          591
                                        646       (6,995)

 Tax                                  (288)         1,232          944      (449)         364

 (Loss) / Profit for the period                              (5,405)      1,057           955
 from continuing operations
 after tax

                                        358       (5,763)
 All attributable to equity
 holders of the parent

 Earnings per share

 The weighted number of shares                                  42,532     35,089      38,169
 in issue ('000)

 Basic                                                         (12.7p)       3.0p        2.5p
 Diluted                               0.8p                    (12.7p)       2.9p        2.4p

                                  30-Jun-08 unaudited           30-Jun-07 unaudited               31-Dec-07 audited           
 Assets                                                                    Restated                        Restated
                                                �'000                         �'000                           �'000           
 Non-current assets
                                               18,460                        18,579                          18,461

 Other intangible assets                          102                           120                             111

 Investments                                        2                             2                               1
 Property plant and equipment                   1,208   19,772                1,326       20,027              1,292     19,865

 Current assets

                                               98,586                        77,805                                
  Inventories                                                                                                96,911

   Security deposit                             5,250                         5,250                           5,250
   Trade & other receivables                   13,675                        17,750                          11,943
 Tax repayable                                    819                             -                               -

  Cash and cash equivalents                        63  118,393                  167      100,972                 77    114,181

                                                                                         120,999                       134,046
 Total assets                                          138,165

 Current liabilities
  Trade & other payables                        6,204                         4,177                           4,044

 Tax liabilities                                    -                         1,420                             807

 Loan notes                                     1,100                         1,100                           1,100

 Bank overdrafts and loans                   6,169      13,473            18,618          25,315              7,574     13,525

 Non-current liabilities
  Bank loans                                   75,582                        43,674                          69,135
                                                                                  -       43,674              3,306     72,441

 Derivative financial                           2,048

                                                                                          52,010                        48,080
 Net assets                                             47,062


  Issued share capital                                     502                               412                           412
 Reserves                                               43,970                            39,828                        39,810

 Hedging reserve                                       (2,048)                          -                              (3,306)
  Accumulated profits                                    4,638                            11,770                        11,164

 Total equity attributable to
 equity holders of the parent                           47,062                            52,010                        48,080
    Oakdene Homes plc
    Balance sheet as at 30 June 2008
    Oakdene Homes plc
    Cash flow statement for the 6 months ended the 30th June 2008

                                 30-Jun-08 unaudited   30-Jun-07 unaudited        31-Dec-07 audited
                                                                  Restated                 Restated

 Cash generated by operations                (7,265)              (17,067)                 (31,205)

 Income Taxes Paid                             (677)                 (820)                    (153)
 Interest paid
                                               (228)                 (206)                    (604)

 Dividends Paid                              (1,133)                 (903)                  (1,418)

 Net cash from operating                     (9,303)              (18,996)                 (33,380)

 Investing activities

 Purchases of current assets             -                     -                      -
                                       -                     -                     -   
 Acquisition of subsidiary                                                             
                                       (3)                  (34)
 Purchases of non-current
                                                 (3)                  (34)                    (116)
 Net cash used in investing

 Cash flows from financing
                                  4,250                 14,770  
 Shares issued for cash                                                          14,770

 Increase in borrowings              5,042                16,600                 16,857

 Borrowings repaid                       -              (14,119)                      -
 Net cash used in financing                    9,292                17,251                   31,627

 Net change in cash and cash                    (14)               (1,779)                  (1,869)
 Cash and cash equivalents                        77                 1,946
 brought forward

 Cash and cash equivalents                        63                   167                       77
 carried forward


    1. The financial information contained in this report has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of IAS 34 'Interim Financial
Reporting.' It has not been audited and does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985.
The statutory accounts for 2007, prior to and excluding the restatement discussed in this financial information, which were prepared under
International Accounting Standards (IAS), have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The auditors' opinion on these accounts was
unqualified and does not contain a statement made under Section 237(2) and Section 237(3) of the Companies Act 1985.

    2.    Statement of changes in shareholders' equity for the six months ended 30 June 2008. 

                                    30-Jun-08       30-Jun-07          31-Dec-07
                                    unaudited       unaudited            Audited
                                                     Restated           Restated
                                        �'000           �'000              �'000

 Profit attributable to equity        (5,405)           1,057                955
 Dividends                            (1,130)           (903)            (1,418)
 Net proceeds of equity share           4,250          14,783             14,769
 Equity share options issued                9              10                 16
 Hedging reserve                        1,258               -            (3,306)

                                      (1,018)          14,947             11,016

 Opening shareholders' equity          48,080          37,064             37,064

 Closing shareholders' equity          47,062          52,011             48,080

    3.   The accounting policy in respect of revenue recognition has been changed such that sales of construction sites and trade sales 
       of completed units are recognized on completion of the sale rather than on exchange of contracts. All other policies used for
       the preparation of the Interim Financial Statement follow the same accounting policies and methods of computation as applied in 
       the most recent Annual Financial Statements. The effect of this change of policy is as follows :  

 31 December 2006
 Restatement of sales                          (14,500)
 Restatement of cost of sales                    10,092
 Restatement of tax                               1,322
 Total restatement                              (3,086)
 Shareholders' funds as previously reported      40,150
 Restated shareholders' funds                    37,064

 30 June 2007
 Restatement of sales                             2,010
 Restatement of cost of sales                   (2,765)
 Restatement of tax                                 227
 Total restatement                                (528)
 Profit before tax as previously reported         1,585
 Restated profit after tax                        1,057

 31 December 2007
 Restatement of sales                           (7,689)
 Restatement of cost of sales                     2,799
 Restatement of tax                               1,467
 Total restatement                              (3,423)
 Profit before tax as previously reported         4,378
 Restated profit after tax                          955

    4.     The following shares have been issued during the period :-

             04 June 2008 share placing                8,987,108
    5.    The directors are of the opinion that there has been no impairment to the goodwill.

    6.    Exceptional costs are impairments to the carrying value of inventories. Each development site has been reviewed using current
market values and an impairment made where necessary. The total of the impairments has been charged to the Income Statement. Part of the
impairment relates to the fair value adjustment made at the time of the acquisition of certain subsidiaries and this has been shown
separately in the Income Statement. No allowance has been made where the review identified a market value in excess of the carrying value.

    7.    The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis. However the Company is in breach of its covenants with its
lenders and is currently relying on a temporary facility. Discussions around future banking terms are ongoing with its bankers. If the Group
is unable to agree amended terms the lenders would be able to request early repayment of all outstanding borrowings. In the absence of other
funding alternatives the Group would be unable to repay the borrowings and therefore there is some uncertainty about the ability of the
Group to continue as a going concern.
        The directors believe that the discussions with its lenders will be successfully resolved and are confident that the Group will have
adequate financial resources to continue its operations for the foreseeable future. That being the case they continue to prepare the
financial statements on a going concern basis.

    8. Copies of the interim results will be sent to all shareholders and will also be available at the registered office of the Company,
Oakdene House, 34 Bell Street, Reigate, Surrey, RH2 7SL.

    We have been engaged by the company to review the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six
months ended 30 June 2008 which comprises the Income Statement, Balance Sheet, Cash-flow Statement and related explanatory notes.  We have
read the other information contained in the half-yearly financial report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or
material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of financial statements.
    Directors' Responsibilities
    The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The directors are responsible for
preparing the half-yearly financial report in accordance with the AIM Rules For Companies.
    As disclosed in note 1, the annual financial statements of the group are prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European
Union. The condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly financial report has been prepared in accordance with
International Accounting Standard 34, Interim Financial Reporting, as adopted by the European Union.
    Our Responsibility
    Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial
report based on our review.
    Scope of review
    We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, Review of Interim
Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity, issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United
Kingdom. A review of interim financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and
accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in
accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would
become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.
    Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the
half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 June 2008 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with
International Accounting Standard 34 as adopted by the European Union and the AIM Rules For Companies.
    Emphasis of matter - Going Concern
    Without qualifying our conclusion, we draw attention to note 7 to the condensed financial statements, which show that the Company is in
breach of its covenants with its lenders and is currently relying on a temporary facility. Discussions around future banking terms are
ongoing with its bankers. This position indicates the existence of a material uncertainty which may cast significant doubt about the Group's
ability to continue as a going concern.

    UHY Hacker Young LLP
    Chartered Accountants
    Quadrant House
    17 Thomas More Street
    Thomas More Square
    E1W 1YW                30 September 2008

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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