RNS Number : 1839F

Nottingham Building Society

06 March 2020

                                      Nottingham Building Society 
                  The Nottingham announces robust financial performance and continued 
                      progress in the delivery of its unique member proposition as 
                       it prepares for a new digital world of financial services. 
                     The Nottingham is pleased to present its results for the year 
                  ended 31 December 2019, in what was another period of good progress 
                      and performance in the delivery of our unique 'all under one 
                           roof' advice and service proposition for members. 
                    Below are some of the key achievements and financial highlights 
                                                of 2019: 
                          *    Underlying profit before tax of GBP10.0 million; 
                       *    Strong retail franchise growth - total branch savings 
                                  balances of GBP2.4 billion, up 2% in 2019; 
                         *    Total assets of GBP3.8 billion and gross mortgage 
                                   lending of over GBP350 million for 2019; 
                       *    The Society welcomed over 20,000 new customers and is 
                              present in over 60 locations across nine counties; 
                        *    Successful completion of the project to replace all 
                                of our online/digital member facing activity; 
                           *    Achieved a customer Net Promoter Score of 77%; 
                                   *    Net interest margin at 1.17%; 
                         *    Arrears levels remain very low, below a quarter of 
                               the industry average (2019: 0.15% v industry at 
                                            average of 0.72%); and 
                        *    Capital strength improved with Common Equity Tier 1 
                                        at 15.1% and leverage of 5.3%. 
                            Commenting David Marlow, Chief Executive, said: 
                     "There have been a number of market and societal changes that 
                      we have had to face into over the past year and I am pleased 
                       to report good progress across a range of our activities. 
                     One of the biggest challenges of 2019 has been to effectively 
                   balance the conflicting needs of our savings and mortgage members, 
                     in the face of a continued ultra-low interest rate environment 
                     and intense mortgage price competition, as the UK ring-fenced 
                     banks exerted their influence on the market. The challenge for 
                    us here was to respond to falling rates for new mortgages whilst 
                    protecting the average rate we pay to our savers. This has meant 
                      that we have reduced our new mortgage lending, which is down 
                 almost 60% from GBP834m in 2018 to GBP353m in 2019, whilst continuing 
                      to be successful in raising the number of existing borrowers 
                 choosing to stay with us when they get to the end of their promotional 
                    period. This is something we have achieved well this year, with 
                    over 70% of members choosing to stay with us at the end of their 
                                         initial product term. 
                      This is in contrast to our savers, where we continue to work 
                     hard to hold up savings rates in the face of falling mortgage 
                   yields. Again, we are pleased with the outcome whereby our average 
                    rate payable on our savings at the end of 2019 is 1.00% compared 
                                      to 1.02% at the end of 2018. 
                    How we have strived to strike this balance is best demonstrated 
                    at the income statement level. In 2019, our interest receivable 
                   from mortgages was down 2% or GBP1.4m whereas our interest payable 
                     to savers actually increased by 7.7% or GBP2.7m. This GBP4.1m 
                     swing could be viewed as a further mutual dividend and strong 
                     evidence of our commitment and track record in doing all that 
                       we can to protect saving rates in these market conditions. 
                     A vital component of our membership are those savers that use 
                     our branches. Despite our balance sheet overall undertaking a 
                   controlled contraction in 2019, we have seen the number of members 
                      and saving balances in our branches continuing to grow, with 
                     membership in branches up 2% in the year. We also continue to 
                    see an increasing number of members utilising our unique Member 
                     Rewards Scheme, which has been designed to reward members for 
                     planning for their financial future, in the form of a range of 
                   discounts and cashbacks. In 2019, members enjoyed rewards benefits 
                                              of GBP0.6m. 
                    Whilst continuing to grow our branch based membership and aiming 
                    to serve them brilliantly, we have been consistent in stressing 
                   the importance of building a strong digital capability, to ensure 
                   that we can serve the increasing number of existing and potential 
                 members who expect to deal with us not just digitally but mobile-led. 
                   2019 has been a year of significant progress for us on this front, 
                     as we have implemented the Salesforce platform across all our 
                online/digital member activity and in the process delivered significant 
                   benefits in terms of access, convenience and ease to our members. 
                      Following the successful launch of Beehive Money in December 
                   2018, we launched our member portal offering Lifetime ISAs (LISA) 
                     online for the first time in April. We now have the ability to 
                    open a LISA fully authenticated and ready to fund in under four 
                   minutes. Then in November, we launched our Mortgage Broker Portal, 
                    which has significantly improved our online mortgage decisioning 
                    and processing capability for the thousands of brokers that deal 
                  with us over the course of a year. These enhancements have resulted 
                     in us reducing the time for a broker to receive a decision in 
                    principle and apply for a mortgage with us from just over 2 1/2 
                    hours to under 20 minutes. As a consequence of these innovations 
                 we are seeing some encouraging results with mortgage flows increasing 
                      as we become easier to deal with and in one striking example 
                   we opened over 500 LISAs in less than an hour following the airing 
                                  of a popular money advice programme. 
                      These fundamental improvements in how we provide our service 
                    in a digital world, signal a strong beginning to the continuing 
                  digital transformation of the Society and one which we are committed 
                      to in the years ahead. We believe that not only will it make 
                  us more relevant to a broader and younger set of potential members, 
                      but also serve our need to deliver quick, easy access to our 
                                        services at lower cost. 
                     Another element of our proposition, which continues to develop 
                     well, is our whole-of-market mortgage advice service which is 
                      increasingly attractive to members (who can qualify for free 
                     advice) and fee paying non-members. We have continued to grow 
                   this part of our offering, with the number of mortgages completed 
                      in 2019, up 15% on 2018. This is particularly important when 
                   considered against the context of our own current reduced appetite 
                     for lending. Our approach ensures that we can always offer our 
                  members the best the mortgage market has to offer in all conditions, 
                                 ensuring that we are always relevant. 
                  Whatever we do to support our members to save, plan for and protect 
                     their financial futures, it is important that we do that well 
                     and deliver a level of service that we could expect to receive 
                    ourselves. I am delighted that we have continued to achieve this 
                     and to report that our Net Promoter Score remains at the high 
                     level of 77%; this continues to place us amongst the very best 
                    global service providers. My gratitude goes to our team members 
                   across the Society, who strive to look after and serve our members 
                         in a way that they would wish to be served every day. 
                                            Our performance 
                   As we trailed last year, our objectives in 2019 were to undertake 
                     a planned contraction of the balance sheet, do all we could to 
                      protect savings rates and continue to invest strongly in our 
                      digital future. Inevitably this has led us to operating at a 
                                    reduced level of profit in 2019. 
                   The ability to do so, without compromising our financial strength, 
                     is one of the attributes of the mutual model, as the Board can 
                    look through short term turbulence and continue to focus on the 
                                        medium and longer term. 
                    I have already outlined our actions on accepting lower interest 
                    receivable; whilst boosting interest payable creating a GBP4.1m 
                     reduction in net interest income taking overall income down by 
                   9% in the year, although we have protected our net interest margin 
                     well which was 1.17% in 2019, only 9 basis points down on last 
                   In times such as this, it is very important that management ensure 
                   that the money we spend running the Society on a day to day basis 
                     is well controlled and proportionate to the income we derive. 
                      I am pleased therefore to report that in 2019, due to strong 
                     management action and the benefits of new digital delivery, we 
                    reduced our underlying administration expenses by just over 10% 
                                              to GBP35.2m. 
                     But as you might expect our costs related to investment in the 
                     Society increased; when combining depreciation, strategic and 
                      project costs we invested a total of GBP6.8m over the course 
                                      of the year; 70% up on 2018. 
                    Overall, this has led us to deliver an underlying profit before 
                    tax of GBP10.0m. Although down on 2018, this is a strong return 
                     in the low interest rate, low profitability market environment 
                                               we are in. 
                                     Financial strength and quality 
                     As we approached the end of the year, we have reviewed how two 
                     of our core markets, mortgages and estate agency, have changed 
                      in the past couple of years and how we believe these changes 
                                   will continue in the years ahead. 
                   The Board has therefore elected to re-evaluate some of the assets 
                    we hold on our balance sheet and in doing so ensure that we are 
                    effectively positioning ourselves for the future. As we continue 
                    to increase the number of mortgage members we retain at the end 
                      of their product term, our change in accounting estimate and 
                 resulting write down of the mortgage EIR asset reflects our increasing 
                 conviction that no member should remain on our SVR for any meaningful 
                     period of time at the end of their product term. This prudent 
                     step also reflects our intention to begin to refine the way we 
                    charge for mortgages over the next two years or so, as we carry 
                     out work to develop the capability to individually price each 
                    member's mortgage, based on their own distinct characteristics. 
                     We have benefitted overall as a Society from the expansion of 
                  building society services to branches facilitated by the acquisition 
                    of Harrison Murray, but the estate agency market has undertaken 
                     material structural changes over the past 2-3 years; in terms 
                     of the UK average annual transaction numbers, in the level of 
                fees that agents are likely to be able to accrue from these transactions 
                and in extra costs arising from new additional regulatory requirements. 
                    We have, therefore, deemed it prudent to write off the goodwill 
                 that sits on our balance sheet in relation to the historic acquisition 
                                         of the estate agency. 
                     Whilst both of these adjustments take us to an accounting loss 
                     for the year of GBP7.2m after tax, it is a strong affirmation 
                   of our financial strength, that despite these deductions totalling 
                   GBP16.3m, our core capital strength has improved over the period, 
                               with our CET 1 ratio increasing to 15.1%. 
                      In addition to capital, the core components of the financial 
                      strength of a building society are liquidity and credit risk 
                    and I am pleased to report that our performance in each of these 
                                     two areas remains very strong. 
                     Our liquidity position, as always, is strong and our liquidity 
                      coverage ratio ended the year at 229% which is significantly 
                                 ahead of what we are required to hold. 
                    And finally our credit risk profile remains one of the strongest 
                     in our sector and across all the lending industry. We only had 
                  to make GBP0.4m of loan impairment provisions from a book totalling 
                    GBP3.2bn and only had 36 customers more than 3 months in arrears 
                                          at the end of 2019. 
                                           People and culture 
                     We would not have been able to achieve and deliver all that we 
                  have during the year without our great team of enthusiastic experts. 
                      In 2019 we have continued to ensure that our people strategy 
                    is focused on supporting our team members to deliver our vision 
                   in line with our values and create a positive open culture focused 
                                       on serving our membership. 
                    Our People and Development team have continued to work very hard 
                    on this and this was reflected in our annual Your Voice Matters 
                      team engagement survey where we saw over 25% of responses to 
                                questions improving by 5 points or more. 
                      Engaging our teams and creating an open culture that creates 
                    psychological safety for all to speak up and express themselves 
                     is a vital component of a high performing organisation. In the 
                   latter part of the year we have been carrying out some work across 
                                the Society to help us achieve that aim. 
                     As always, there remains a great deal to still achieve but we 
                    are committed to creating a positive contemporary workplace for 
                          all our people to thrive as they serve our members. 
                                       Supporting our communities 
                    As one of our four key pillars, it remains as important as ever 
               to support the communities we serve. Through our corporate responsibility 
                  programme, we commit to 'doing the right thing for our communities' 
                    by working with a wide range of charities and projects that seek 
                     to tackle homelessness and improve employability and financial 
                 awareness. In 2019, the programme reached a milestone as we surpassed 
                                GBP1m of contributions to local causes. 
                  We have continued to support our charity partners, Young Enterprise 
                     - supporting schools across the East Midlands to deliver their 
                   company programme and Framework - an East Midlands based homeless 
                       charity through support of their Off the Streets campaign. 
                   We are also proud to have worked with the National Literacy Trust 
                     where we have donated over 2,500 books as part of their Better 
                  World Books campaign to raise literacy levels across our heartland. 
                     My particular favourite in 2019, was our partnership work with 
                   Nottingham City Council in delivering their StoryParks initiative. 
                     Inspired by the first Chairman of the Society, Samuel Fox, who 
                      established the first UK adult school in Nottingham, we were 
                     delighted to have our teams spending time in the summer across 
                    all the city's major parks working with park rangers on raising 
                   numeracy and literacy skills amongst the less privileged children 
                   who live in our inner city. The initiative saw us give over 7,000 
                      children a real summer holiday treat and learning experience 
                                             in our parks. 
                     I remain overawed at the commitment and skill our team members 
                    continue to demonstrate in all the volunteering and fundraising 
                                   they do for such deserving causes. 
                    As we head into 2020 and life outside of the EU, the themes and 
                   priorities we have developed over the past 12 months will continue 
                                    and in some cases pick up pace. 
                     The Society continues to operate in and adapt successfully to 
                      changing and challenging market conditions. Our results this 
                    year reflect these challenges, but also how we are ensuring that 
                      we take a long lens view of the development of our strategy, 
                            whilst not compromising our financial strength. 
                    We believe that to be successful in the longer run, we will need 
                      to keep members at the heart of our core purpose which is to 
                  help and support them to save, plan for and protect their financial 
                    futures; adapt and develop new mobile-led, digital capabilities; 
                    and have the scale and financial efficiency to successfully grow 
                    membership in a market where a 0.80% to a 1% net interest margin 
                                          is seen as the norm. 
                     Our mutual status and ethos serve us well in times like these, 
                    enabling us to utilise and leverage the financial strength that 
                   we have built up over more than 150 years and to adapt to a newly 
                      emerging world whilst continuing to serve our members with a 
                      proposition which is relevant and delivers value to them. We 
                         firmly believe that we remain well placed to do this. 
                    With the decisions we have taken during 2019, we believe we are 
                   doing all the right things to prepare the Society for a new world 
                    of financial services. As the nation grows older and the welfare 
                   state's role in individuals' lives reduces, the younger generation 
                   particularly are going to have to be more financially independent 
                     than their parents and grandparents. We are building a Society 
                    that will be able to meet these needs and serve a new generation 
                   of members as well as we serve our members today, but in a digital 
                    first world. This will no doubt require us to continue to evolve 
                     the Society, introducing innovations in savings and mortgages, 
                    without compromising our service ethos or our financial strength 
                     and continuing to support the communities in which we serve." 
                                              David Marlow 
                                            Chief Executive 
                                              6 March 2020 
 Consolidated income statement 
  for the year ended 31 December 2019 
                                                                                2019           2018 
                                                                                GBPm           GBPm 
 Interest receivable and similar income                                         84.0           85.4 
 Interest payable and similar charges                                         (37.9)         (35.2) 
                                                                             -------   ------------ 
 Net interest income                                                            46.1           50.2 
 Fees and commissions receivable                                                 6.2            7.5 
 Fees and commissions payable                                                  (1.1)          (1.4) 
 Other income                                                                    0.2              - 
 Net losses from derivative financial 
  instruments                                                                  (0.6)          (0.7) 
 Total net income                                                               50.8           55.6 
 Administrative expenses                                                      (36.5)         (40.0) 
 Depreciation and amortisation                                                 (5.5)          (3.4) 
 Pension finance cost                                                          (0.1)          (0.3) 
                                                                             -------   ------------ 
 Operating profit before impairment, 
  fair value movement, change in accounting 
  estimate and provisions                                                        8.7           11.9 
 Impairment (charge)/ release - loans 
  and advances                                                                 (0.4)            0.3 
 Impairment charge - goodwill                                                  (4.0)          (0.5) 
 Change in EIR accounting estimate                                            (12.3)              - 
 Provisions release - FSCS levy and 
  other                                                                            -            0.1 
 (Loss)/profit before tax                                                      (8.0)           11.8 
 Tax credit/(expense)                                                            0.8          (2.4) 
                                                                             -------   ------------ 
 (Loss)/ profit after tax for the financial 
  year                                                                         (7.2)            9.4 
                                                                             -------   ------------ 
 Reconciliation of statutory (loss)/ profit 
  before taxation 
                                                                                2019           2018 
                                                                                GBPm           GBPm 
 Statutory (loss)/ profit before taxation                                      (8.0)           11.8 
 Adjusted for: 
   Losses from derivative financial instruments                                  0.6            0.7 
   Other income                                                                (0.2)              - 
   Strategic investment costs                                                    1.3            0.6 
   Impairment - goodwill                                                         4.0            0.5 
   Change in accounting estimate                                                12.3              - 
                                                                             -------   ------------ 
 Underlying profit before taxation                                              10.0           13.6 
                                                                             -------   ------------ 
 Consolidated statement of comprehensive 
  for the year ended 31 December 2019 
                                                                                2019           2018 
                                                                                GBPm           GBPm 
 (Loss)/profit for the financial year                                          (7.2)            9.4 
 Items that will not be re-classified 
  to the income statement 
   Remeasurements of defined benefit 
    obligations                                                                    -            0.4 
   Tax on items that will not be re-classified                                     -          (0.1) 
 Items that may subsequently be re-classified 
  to the income statement 
 FVOCI reserve 
   Valuation gains/(losses) taken to 
    reserves                                                                     0.7          (1.2) 
   Tax on items that may subsequently 
    be re-classified                                                           (0.1)            0.2 
 Other comprehensive income/(expense) for the 
  period net of income tax                                                       0.6          (0.7) 
                                                                             -------   ------------ 
 Total comprehensive (expense)/income 
  for the year                                                                 (6.6)            8.7 
                                                                             -------   ------------ 
 Consolidated statement of financial position 
  as at 31 December 2019 
                                                     2019      2018 
                                                     GBPm      GBPm 
 Liquid assets                                      615.1     506.9 
 Derivative financial instruments                     2.0       8.2 
 Loans and advances to customers                  3,161.4   3,502.9 
 Fixed and other assets                              40.5      35.6 
                                                 --------  -------- 
 Total assets                                     3,819.0   4,053.6 
                                                 --------  -------- 
 Shares                                           2,781.1   2,869.2 
 Borrowings                                         771.3     918.0 
 Derivative financial instruments                    12.8       5.9 
 Other liabilities                                   12.9      12.6 
 Subscribed capital                                  24.7      25.1 
                                                 --------  -------- 
 Total liabilities                                3,602.8   3,830.8 
 General reserves                                   216.6     223.8 
 Fair value reserves                                (0.4)     (1.0) 
                                                 --------  -------- 
 Total reserves attributable to members of the 
  Society                                           216.2     222.8 
 Total reserves and liabilities                   3,819.0   4,053.6 
                                                 --------  -------- 
 Consolidated statement of changes              General      FVOCI   Total 
  in members' interests as at 31 December       reserve    reserve 
                                                   GBPm       GBPm    GBPm 
 Balance as at 1 January 2019                     223.8      (1.0)   222.8 
   Loss for the year                              (7.2)          -   (7.2) 
 Other comprehensive income for the 
  period (net of tax) 
   Net gains from changes in fair value               -        0.6     0.6 
 Total comprehensive (expense)/ income 
  for the period                                  (7.2)        0.6   (6.6) 
                                              ---------  ---------  ------ 
 Balance as at 31 December 2019                   216.6      (0.4)   216.2 
                                              ---------  ---------  ------ 
 Balance as at 1 January 2018                     212.7          -   212.7 
 Change on initial recognition of 
  IFRS 9                                            1.4          -     1.4 
 Profit for the year                                9.4          -     9.4 
 Other comprehensive income for the 
  period (net of tax) 
   Net losses from changes in fair 
    value                                             -      (1.0)   (1.0) 
   Remeasurement of defined benefit 
    obligation                                      0.3          -     0.3 
                                              ---------  ---------  ------ 
 Total comprehensive income/(expense) 
  for the period                                    9.7      (1.0)     8.7 
                                              ---------  ---------  ------ 
 Balance as at 31 December 2018                   223.8      (1.0)   222.8 
                                              ---------  ---------  ------ 
 Summary consolidated cash flow statement 
  for the year ended 31 December 2019 
                                                        2019      2018 
                                                        GBPm      GBPm 
 Cash flows from operating activities                    4.5      18.0 
 Changes in operating assets and liabilities           109.0       4.5 
 Net cash generated by operating activities            113.5      22.5 
 Cash flows from investing activities                (104.0)   (114.8) 
 Cash flows from financing activities                  (3.0)     (1.9) 
                                                    --------  -------- 
 Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents        6.5    (94.2) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year        266.1     360.3 
                                                    --------  -------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year              272.6     266.1 
                                                    --------  -------- 
 Summary ratios 
                                                                2019    2018 
                                                                   %       % 
 Common Equity Tier 1 ratio                                     15.1    14.7 
 Liquid assets as a percentage of shares and borrowings        17.32   13.38 
 Group (loss)/ profit for the year as a percentage of mean 
  total assets                                                (0.18)    0.24 
 Group management expenses as a percentage of mean total 
  assets                                                        1.07    1.09 
 Society management expenses as a percentage of mean total 
  assets                                                        0.94    0.95 
 Society interest margin as a percentage of mean assets         1.17    1.26 
       *    The financial information set out above, which was 
            approved by the Board of Directors on 5 March 2020, 
            does not constitute accounts within the meaning of 
            the Building Societies Act 1986. 
       *    The financial information for the years ended 31 
            December 2019 and 31 December 2018 has been extracted 
            from the Accounts for those years and on which the 
            auditors have given an unqualified opinion. 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

March 06, 2020 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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