RNS Number : 2996A

Nandan Cleantec plc

29 March 2012

29 March 2012

Nandan Cleantec plc

("Nandan Cleantec," "Nandan" or the "Company")

Maiden Interim Results for the period ended 31 December 2011

Nandan Cleantec plc (LSE AIM: NAND), a scaled vertically integrated biofuel producer, announces maiden unaudited results for the period ended 31 December 2011.

The Company began trading as a public limited company on 9 November 2011 and as a consequence, the trading results of the Group should only be included in the results of the Company for this seven week period. The Company believes reporting this seven week period would not give an accurate picture of the trading activities of the Group. Therefore the Company has decided to report on the Group's trading over the six months to 31 December 2011 to allow users of the financial information to gain a better understanding of the underlying performance of the business. The figures are consolidated on the basis that Nandan Cleantec Ltd and Xtraa Cleancities Ltd are wholly owned subsidiaries. Nandan Cleantec plc currently owns 51 per cent. of these companies and is taking the necessary steps to acquire the remaining 49% stake of both Nandan Cleantec Limited and Xtraa Cleancities Limited, India from existing shareholders. This is consistent with the presentation made in the admission document.

Key Highlights

   --      Successful AIM IPO in November 2011, raising GBP16.1 million before expenses 
   --      Strong trading performance since flotation 

o Total revenue of INR 2,663 million (equivalent to GBP33.15 million at current exchange rates)

o EBITDA of INR. 119.16 million (equivalent to GBP1.483 million at current exchange rates)

o Strong balance sheet with net cash of INR 311.26 million (equivalent to GBP3.87 million at current exchange rates)

   --      Good initial progress toward key operational targets 

o Integration of businesses on track with benefits starting to come through

o Operations opened in Rwanda to establish planned Nursery Production Centers (NPC)

o Seven LoI's signed to explore collaboration opportunities in Africa

   --      Demand continues to grow for alternative energy sources 

o Solid trends and outlook evidenced for Global energy

o Current trading remains in line with the vision of the company

o Good organic growth supported by encouraging new business pipeline

Commenting on the results Srinivas Prasad Moturi, Executive Chairman of Nandan Cleantec plc said:

"We are pleased to announce Nandan's maiden interim results following the Company's successful flotation on AIM in November last year. As the world looks to diversify its energy supply, we have a strategic plan to build a new leading player in the biofuel market. The capital secured at the time of our flotation supports our growth plans and we have clear expansion criteria to deliver on our strategy.

Whilst it is still early days, I believe that the our strong, profitable and proven business model, coupled with our planned geographic expansion will create a solid base on which we can continue to extend the scope and capabilities of our business in the months and years ahead. Our current trading indications are in line with the vision of the Company and our new business pipeline remains encouraging."

For further information please contact:

 Nandan Cleantec plc 
 Srinivas Prasad Moturi           +91 40 6550 7799 
 Arden Partners plc 
 Steve Douglas / Jamie Cameron    +44 (0)20 7614 5917 
 FTI Consulting 
 Matt Dixon / Emma Appleton       +44 (0)20 7831 3113 

About Nandan Cleantec plc

Nandan Cleantec plc is a scaled vertically integrated biofuel producer. It has developed a number of revenue streams geared towards the ultimate provision of commercially refined biofuel derived from Jatropha plants or other suitable feedstocks.

The Company's current activities are concentrated in India and include innovative plant breeding and genetic improvement of Jatropha, a 275,000 MT per annum biofuel processing plant which sells biodiesel to end customers and a Jatropha feedstock plantation base of approximately 70,000 ha. In addition, the Company has initiated activities in India, Africa and Southeast Asia in order to further develop its land bank.

Nandan's strategy is to maximise the potential of its position as a pioneer in Jatropha biofuel sciences. This will involve exploiting the Company's position as a market leader in the Indian biofuel industry.


Chairman's Statement


I am very pleased to announce our maiden interim results following the Company's successful admission to AIM in November 2011. In the few short months since our flotation, we have not only delivered a strong financial performance, but also made good early progress towards some of the key operational objectives we set for Nandan as a public company.

Company and aims

Nandan is a scaled vertically integrated biofuel producer. It has developed a number of revenue streams geared towards the ultimate provision of commercially refined biofuel derived from Jatropha plants or other suitable feedstocks.

Jatropha is an oilseed plant which can be used for a variety of non-edible purposes and is regarded as a sustainable crop as it grows on marginal, scrub land which is unsuitable for arable purposes. The plant has several attractive properties including its hardiness, rapid growth, easy propagation. Nandan has control of the value chain throughout the life cycle of the Jatropha crop, from developing hybrids and cultivating hybrids to seed oil extraction, oil refining and subsequent sale.

Nandan's strategy, simply put, is to maximise the potential of its position as a pioneer in Jatropha biofuel sciences. This involves exploiting the Group's position as a market leader in the Indian biofuel industry to ensure that it continues to lead the industry and deliver good returns. Expansion into new markets outside of India; the development and continuous yield improvements of the Company's Jatropha hybrids; and the development of Jatropha cultivation more broadly are each key elements of that strategy. I am pleased that we have made some good, early progress in these areas in our first months as a public company.

Progress against strategy

Our flotation on the London Stock Exchange's Alternative Investment Market (AIM) on 9 November 2011 allowed us to secure GBP16.1 million of funds to support our growth strategy. During the period we have begun to work toward that strategy, successfully expanding into new markets, in particular, Southeast Asia and Africa; increasing our market share in existing markets; and expanding our capabilities through further joint ventures and associations.

Nandan has signed seven Letters of Intent to explore potential collaboration for development of Bio-energy plantations in African countries (Malawi, Angola, Nigeria, Ivory Coast, DR Congo) in the 2nd India-Africa Economic Mission organised by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and the Brussels-based EMRC International.

Of particular note, and to allow the Group to honor its commitment to expand its activities outside of India, the Group established operations during the period in Rwanda. This important new outpost enables us to further expand our land-bank and offers another opportunity for us to break in to new markets. Also in Indonesia, the Group is establishing a Nursery Production Centre (NPC), Seed Garden, Jatropha Information Centre (JIC) and 1,000 ha Captive cultivation in joint venture with PT Waterland International.

The Company also continues to focus on its R&D capabilities, further developing its existing strong portfolio of Intellectual Property Rights in the Jatropha field. During the period, the Company has filed three new patent applications, both in India and internationally in Geneva, each of which has helped to further entrench Nandan's position and reputation as an international innovator in this sector.

The Group has continued to expand rapidly by strengthening its feedstock base. In the 2011 monsoon season the Group planted approximately 20,000 hectares of Jatropha through contract farming in India. Furthermore, in the 2011 harvest season, 50,000 MT of Jatropha seeds have been harvested from existing plantations of which the Company has procured approximately 20,000 MT to date and has made arrangements for the procurement of the balance of the seed material from the franchisees and farmers for conversion into crude Jatropha oil (CJO).

During the period under review the pricing of bio fuel feedstock has been volatile. Management has strategically leveraged this volatility and the fluctuating demand for bio fuels to its advantage, by generating revenues from trading in crude palm oil. Going further, the Company expects to recognise the benefit of its own CJO processed at its own Processing unit, further helping to mitigate the volatility risks inherent in raw material prices.

Financial Performance

-- Total revenue of INR 2,663 million (equivalent to GBP33.15 million at current exchange rates)

   --      EBITDA of INR. 119.16 million  (equivalent to GBP1.483 million at current exchange rates) 

-- The Company also continues to generate good levels of cash and, as at 31st December 2011, had net cash of INR 311.26 million (equivalent to GBP3.87 million at current exchange rates)

Since November 2011, the Company has applied the net IPO proceeds into the areas set out at the time of IPO. Specifically these have been invested into increasing the plantation acreage available to the Group, investing in Nursery Production Centers and Expelling units, discharging the high cost working capital debt facilities and investing into the working capital requirements of the Group.

Group Structure

Nandan Cleantec plc controls the trading businesses of the Group; being Nandan Cleantec Limited and Xtraa Cleancities Limited. After the date of the Company's admission to AIM on 9(th) November 2011, the Company had acquired a 51% stake each both Nandan Cleantec Limtied and Xtraa Cleancities Limited, India.

In line with the structure plan set out in the Admission Document, the Company is taking the necessary steps to acquire the remaining 49% stake of both Nandan Cleantec Limited and Xtraa Cleancities Limited, India from existing shareholders. The Group expects to complete this procedure and the necessary approval formalities by the end of this fiscal year (30 June 2012).

Potential Liability

In March 2010, Xtraa Cleancities Limited, a producer, importer and exporter of Biodiesel, located in a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) exported out of India 25,000 MT of material after obtaining the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) Forms from the SEZ authorities. The Indian authorities are currently claiming that these GSP forms were obtained without meeting the eligibility criteria and the concerned jurisdictional authority has subsequently levied a penalty of INR 663m (approximately GBP8.25 million at current exchange rates) on the Company on the grounds that the said GSP forms did not meet the eligibility criteria.

The Company has filed an appeal to the Appellate Committee, Ministry of Commerce and subsequently the Company has filed a Writ petition with the Honorable High Court of Delhi for Justice on the orders issued by the Appellate Committee. On the 15th March 2011, the Honorable High Court set aside the orders issued by the Appellate Committee and recommended that the Appellate Committee re-hear the matter. The matter was re-heard by the Appellate Committee on 21(st) March 2011 and the outcome of the order is awaited. The Company's legal counsel is confident that the resulting legal decisions will be favorable to the Company and an update will be given to Shareholders in due course.


The Board does not intend to declare a dividend at this stage as it seeks to invest and deliver on its growth strategy.


Nandan operates in attractive markets. With the global market size of biofuels continuing to increase, the outlook for the use of Jatropha as a sustainable solution looks promising. In 2011 the Global market size of Biofuels reached $83 billion, up from $56.4 billion the prior year, and is projected to grow to $139 billion by 2021(1) . To capitalise on this, Nandan intends to build and further develop relationships with its commercial and Joint Venture Partners in order to expand its footprint in the biofuels market. In order to achieve its short and medium term objectives, the Company will need to raise further capital to develop further plantations and processing capacity.

We are pleased with the progress we have made since our IPO. Current trading indications are in line with the vision of the Company and our new business pipeline remains encouraging. The Board therefore remains confident about the prospects for developing Nandan Cleantec business as a pioneer in Jatropha and looks forward to the next stage of its development in 2012 and beyond.

(1) http://www.cleanedge.com/reports/clean-energy-trends-2012

Nandan Cleantec Plc

Consolidated Statement of Financial as at 31 December 2011

 Nandan Cleantec Plc 
 Consolidated financial statements 
 (All amounts in INR unless otherwise 
 Statement of financial position 
----------------------------------------  -------------- 
----------------------------------------  -------------- 
 Intangible assets                           160,191,147 
 Property,plant and equipment              1,584,779,276 
 Other long term financial assets            291,467,950 
 Biological assets                           208,807,127 
 Inventories                               1,035,884,011 
 Trade and other receivables               1,683,106,934 
 Other short term financial assets            95,858,998 
 Current tax assets                           13,884,247 
 Cash and cash equivalents                   311,255,915 
 Total assets                              5,385,235,605 
 Equity and liabilities 
 Equity attributable to owners: 
 Share capital                                 7,945,794 
 Share premium                             1,634,064,935 
 Capital reserve                               5,000,000 
 Revaluation reserve                          32,085,058 
 Translation reserve                          59,108,043 
 Retained earnings                           262,744,285 
 Non controlling interest                  1,210,373,239 
 Total equity                              3,211,321,354 
 Pension and other employee obligations        2,259,111 
 Borrowings                                  414,989,947 
 Trade and other payables                     22,016,869 
 Deferred tax liabilities                    133,663,639 
 Trade and other payables                  1,582,978,835 
 Borrowings                                   14,581,977 
 Current tax liabilities                               - 
 Other liabilities                             3,423,873 
 Total liabilities                         2,173,914,251 
 Total equity and liabilities              5,385,235,605 

Nandan Cleantec Plc

Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income for the six months period ended on 31 December 2011

 Statement of comprehensive income 
------------------------------------------------  ---------------- 
 Revenue                                             2,663,298,390 
 Other income                                           12,123,183 
 Change in inventories                                  48,974,883 
 Costs of material                                 (2,522,805,837) 
 Employee benefit expense                             (22,392,420) 
 Depreciation and amortisation of non-financial 
  assets                                              (44,705,286) 
 Other expenses                                       (60,042,577) 
 Loss on disposal of subsidiary                                  - 
 Operating profit                                       74,450,336 
 Finance costs                                        (57,959,349) 
 Finance income                                                  - 
 Profit before tax                                      16,490,987 
 Income tax expense                                    (5,360,539) 
 Profit for the year                                    11,130,448 
 Profit for the year attributable to: 
 Non-controlling interest                               10,104,345 
 Owners of the parent                                    1,026,103 
 Other comprehensive income 
 Earnings per share 
 Basic earnings per share INR                              0.00410 
 Diluted earnings per share INR                            0.00398 
 Statement of Cash Flows 
 Particulars                                             Amount in INR 
------------------------------------------------------  -------------- 
 Cash flow from operating activities 
 Profit before Tax (PBT)                                    16,490,987 
 Depreciation                                               44,705,286 
 Interest Received                                         (3,973,047) 
 Interest paid                                              57,959,349 
 Changes in working capital                              (899,440,205) 
 Taxes Paid                                                (5,360,539) 
 Net cash used for operating activities                  (789,618,169) 
 Cash flow from investing activities 
 Purchase of Property,Plant & Equipment                  (176,930,977) 
 Interest Received                                           3,973,047 
 Net cash used in investing activities                   (172,957,930) 
 Cash flow from Financing Activities 
 New Loans in period                                        76,881,937 
 Contribution from promoters                             1,206,086,589 
 Interest paid                                            (57,959,349) 
 Net cash generated from financing activities            1,225,009,177 
 Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents      262,433,078 
 Cash at beginning of period                                48,822,837 
 Cash and cash equivalents as at end of period             311,255,915 
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------  --------------  ----------------  -------------- 
                                                                             31 Dec 2011 
                      Share                     Capital   Revaluation   Translation      Retained       to owners   Non-controlling 
                    capital   Share premium     reserve       reserve       reserve      earnings       of parent          interest    Total equity 
---------------  ----------  --------------  ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------  --------------  ----------------  -------------- 
 Balance as at 
  1 July 
  2011            3,701,639                                                 -70,791       -37,252       3,593,596                         3,593,596 
 Issue of 
  Shares          4,244,155   1,634,064,935   5,000,000    32,085,058             -   261,755,434   1,937,149,582     1,200,268,894   3,137,418,476 
  owners          4,244,155   1,634,064,935   5,000,000    32,085,058             -   261,755,434   1,937,149,582     1,200,268,894   3,137,418,476 
                 ----------  --------------  ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------  --------------  ----------------  -------------- 
 Profit for the 
  year                    -               -           -             -             -     1,026,103       1,026,103        10,104,345      11,130,448 
                                                                                                                -                                 - 
 income:                                                                                                        -                                 - 
 Revaluation of 
 land                     -               -           -                           -             -               -                 -               - 
 Deferred tax 
 on revaluation 
 land                                                                                                           -                                 - 
 on revaluation 
 land                                                                                                           -                 -               - 
  operations              -               -           -             -    59,178,834             -      59,178,834                        59,178,834 
  income for 
  the year                -               -           -             -    59,178,834     1,026,103      60,204,937        10,104,345      70,309,282 
                 ----------  --------------  ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------  --------------  ----------------  -------------- 
 Balance as at 
  December 2011   7,945,794   1,634,064,935   5,000,000    32,085,058    59,108,043   262,744,285   2,000,948,115     1,210,373,239   3,211,321,354 
                 ----------  --------------  ----------  ------------  ------------  ------------  --------------  ----------------  -------------- 

Notes to the Unaudited Interim Financial Statements for the Six Months Ended 31 December 2011

   1.   Corporate information 

1.1. Statement of compliance with IFRS

The financial information of Nandan has been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union.

1.2. General information

Nandan is the Group's ultimate parent company and is domiciled in the UK. The address of Nandan's registered office and its principal place of business is 4th Floor, Heron House, 4 Bentinck Street, London United Kingdom - W1U 2EF.

   2.   Summary of significant accounting policies 

2.1. Presentation of financial information

The consolidated financial information is presented in accordance with IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements (Revised 2007).

The IFRS financial information has been prepared and presented for a period of six months up to 31(st) December 2011.

2.2. Basis of preparation

The financial information has been prepared on a historical cost basis. The financial information has been prepared under "IFRS" as adopted by the "EU".

The financial information has been presented in Indian Rupee (INR), which is the presentation currency of the Company.

The financial information has been prepared on going concern basis which assumes the Company will have sufficient funds to continue its operational existence for the foreseeable future. As the Company forecasts it will be able to meet its repayment obligations, and that sufficient funds will be available to continue with the projects development and operations, the Company has assumed the going concern basis of preparation for this financial information is appropriate.

2.3. Basis of consolidation

The consolidated financial information incorporates the financial information of Nandan Cleantec plc and its subsidiaries for the six month period ended 31(st) December 2011.

A subsidiary is defined as an entity controlled by the Group. Control is achieved where the Group has the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an entity so as to obtain benefits from its activities. Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date of acquisition, being the date on which control is acquired by the group, and continue to be consolidated until the date that such control ceases.

All intra-group balances, income and expenses and any resulting unrealized gains arising from intra-group transactions are eliminated in full on consolidation.

Non-controlling interests in subsidiaries are identified separately from the group's equity therein. The interests of non-controlling shareholders may be initially measured at the non-controlling interests' proportionate share of the fair value of the acquiree's identifiable net assets.

Changes in the group's interests in subsidiaries that do not result in a loss of control are accounted for as equity transactions. The carrying amounts of the group's interests and the non-controlling interests are adjusted to reflect the changes in their relative interests in the subsidiaries.

   3.   Equity 

Share capital

                                                          31 December 2011 
-------------------------------------------------------  ----------------- 
 Issued and fully paid up 
   *    276,839,222 ordinary shares of GBP 0.0002 each           55,367.84 
-------------------------------------------------------  ----------------- 

The share capital of the Company comprises only of fully paid ordinary shares of GBP 0.0002 each. All shares are equally eligible to receive dividends and the repayment of capital and represent one vote at the shareholders' meeting.

During the year the Company has raised GBP 16.1 million by placing 26,834,222 new ordinary shares at 60 pence per. These shares were admitted to trading on the Alternative Investment Market part of the London Stock Exchange. The difference between the total consideration and the nominal share capital value of GBP5,366.84 has been credited to the share premium account, less costs of the issue expenses. The Share capital of the Company immediately following Admission stood at GBP55,367.84.

   4.   Consolidation 

The Company has a controlling stake of 51% of Nandan Cleantec Limited and Xtraa Clean cities Limited, India. The Company has consolidated the financial results of both the companies and a minority interest attributable to remaining 49% has been shown as the Minority Interest in the Consolidated Comprehensive Income Statement and Financial Position statements.

   5.   Earnings  per share 

The calculation of basic and diluted earning per share is based upon the earnings attributable to the equity shareholders of the Company of INR 1,026,103 and the weighted average number of ordinary shares of 257,630,025 in issue during the period. Basic Earnings per share is INR 0.00410 and Diluted Earnings per shares is INR 0.00398 per share.

   6.   Dividend 

No dividends were paid or are proposed in respect of the period ended 31(st) December, 2011.

   7.   Copy of half yearly report 

A copy of the half yearly report will be available on the Company's website www.ncp.uk.com and will be available from the Company's registered office.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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