RNS Number : 6054H

Ambrian PLC

09 June 2017

LONDON, 9 June 2017


Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2016

Ambrian plc ("Ambrian" or the "Company" and, together with its subsidiaries, the "Group") today announces its audited consolidated results for the twelve months ended 31 December 2016.


   --     First full year of production at the cement plant in Mozambique 
   --     Run-down of the metals trading business is nearing completion 
   --     Turnover of US$ 1.05 billion (2015: turnover of US$1.90 billion) 
   --     Gross profit of US$ 1.22 million (2015: gross loss of US$ 4.01 million) 

-- Loss before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation ("LBITDA") reduced to US$ 6.04 million (2015: LBITDA of US$ 8.75)

-- Loss before tax, but before impairment charge, US$ 9.85 million (2015: loss before tax of US$ 9.36 million)

-- Loss before tax, including an impairment charge on the cement operations of $21.29 million (2015: $nil), of US$ 31.14 million (2015: loss before tax of US$ 9.36 million)

-- Tangible net asset value at 31 December 2016 of US$ 27.04 million (2015: US$ 50.97 million) equivalent to a tangible net asset per share of USc 10.97 (2015: USc 20.67)

   --     Total equity at 31 December 2016: US$ 29.22 million (2015: US$ 53.43 million) 

Commenting on the results, Martin Abbott, non-executive Chairman, stated:

"The metals business is being run down following the Company's announcement in October 2016 to withdraw from the business. We appreciate the support of all stakeholders over this period in order to execute the contracts in an orderly way. We expect the business to be closed by mid-year 2017 when the working capital in the business will be converted to cash.

We are pleased with the technical performance of the cement plant in 2016, despite the full benefits of this performance having yet to materialise. The challenging conditions in Mozambique, particularly as regards to adverse exchange rate movements, punitive interest rates and sharp public spending cuts in infrastructure, have deeply affected the construction sector. However, we continue to believe in the long-term growth potential of Mozambique. With an improving commodity outlook, Mozambique's largest export sectors are now picking up. The challenge remains to ensure that future wealth from these sectors is deployed efficiently in other economic sectors and infrastructure projects without corrupt practices undermining the country's efforts. We expect improving the country's transport network and access to power will become significant drivers of the construction sector and hence spur demand for cement and concrete based products. "


 Ambrian plc 
                      + 44 (0)20 7634 
 Roger Clegg           4700 
 Cenkos Securities 
                      + 44 (0)20 7397 
 Neil McDonald         8900 
 Nick Tulloch 

Notes to Editors

Ambrian is active is sourcing and marketing a range of industrials metals, minerals and value added products to end users worldwide. We pursue selective strategic acquisitions and ventures which can demonstrate a compelling industrial, commercial and financial justification and ultimately strengthen Ambrian's supply chain and value added activities. Ambrian's services add the right value at every stage of the supply chain; we plan procurement and logistics to streamline and simplify transportation and deliver on time commodities in the most cost efficient manner from remote locations to wherever they are needed by our customers. Ambrian also capitalizes on opportunities to improve margins and grow shareholder value through diversifying into sourcing and processing. This has enabled it to expand its business into the manufacturing and distribution of branded cement products to the residential and non-residential sectors in Central Mozambique.

Ambrian is quoted on the Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol AMBR. Further information on the Group is available on the Company's website www.ambrian.com or the website of Cimentos da Beira Lda www.cdb.co.mz.

Chairman's and Chief Executive's statement

For the year ended 31 December 2016 the Group gross profit was US$ 1.22 million on a turnover of US$ 1.05 billion (2015: gross loss of US$ 4.01 million on a turnover of US$ 1.90 billion).

For the period under review EBITDA was a loss of US$ 6.04 million (2015: US$ 8.75 million loss), the loss being primarily a function of administrative and employment costs.

Group loss before tax and impairment charge for 2016 amounted to US$ 9.85 million (2015: loss before tax of US$ 9.36 million). Within this, metal trading activities reported a loss before tax, including provisions for closure, of US$ 3.97 million for the period (2015: loss before tax of US$ 8.92 million). The cement business reported a loss before tax and impairment charge of US$ 5.73 million for the period (2015: profit before tax of US$ 0.67 million), largely attributable to interest expenses adversely affected by punitive rates applied on local borrowings in Mozambique. An impairment charge of US$ 21.29 million (2015: nil) on the cement plant was incurred after an assessment by management, considering such factors as future expected cashflows, exchange rates, discount rates and the expected terminal value of the plant.


2016 saw a recovery for commodities with the Bloomberg Commodities Index (a broadly diversified commodity price index) gaining over 10%, breaking a five-year streak of annual losses. The recovery in industrial metals prices was supported by strong Chinese demand and expectations of increased infrastructure spend after the US elections. Realisation by market participants that the fear of an oversupply in many markets was overdone was further supported by declining inventory levels, increasing confidence that strong demand could be sustainable. Underperforming base metals for most of 2016, the copper market experienced a shift in sentiment towards the end of the year.

Despite the recovery in commodity markets, the Board of Directors concluded that the Company's capital base was not sufficient, and its organization not adapted, to grow the metal trading activities into a robust, diversified and scalable business model. Accordingly, the Board of Directors decided that the Company's metal trading activities would be wound down in an orderly fashion and closed. Unlike capital engaged in the Company's industrial assets, capital employed in the metal trading activities can be released within a relatively short time span. As a result, over the last quarter of 2016, most staff engaged in the Company's trading and logistics operations were retrenched with a skeleton staff retained temporarily to run down the existing contracts. All trading activities will have been terminated and contracts closed by mid-2017. Following the decision to close the metal trading activities, the Company moved to smaller head office premises in London and is closing down the offices in China, Taiwan and Singapore.

Weak commodity prices and the anemic general trading environment contributed to Mozambique's sharp slowdown in economic activity over the period under review. This was further compounded by the revelation of large undisclosed borrowings contracted by state controlled entities, the sharp reduction in foreign direct investments and the international community's decision to stop supporting the country's budget deficits. Mozambique's real GDP growth dropped to 3.3% from 6.6% in 2015 and the local currency depreciated by up to some 40 percent against the US dollar during 2016, fuelling 25 percent inflation by the end of October 2016. The sharp deterioration in economic conditions has had a significant impact on households and a nascent small and medium sized business sector. Reduced investments in real estate, construction and financial services combined with the public sector's consolidation and monetary tightening are also contributing to the slowdown in growth. It is against this backdrop that our cement grinding operations in Central Mozambique, Cimentos da Beira, completed its first full year of operation.

The market for cement in Central Mozambique grew just under 5 percent in 2016 when compared to 2015 which is below historic growth trends. Cement sales achieved by our subsidiary in 2016 were lower than forecast as a result of increasing competitive pressure combined with reduced disposable income and difficult credit conditions affecting the local residential and nonresidential sectors. Significantly weaker public spending on infrastructure and delayed project execution also affected construction activities and cement apparent consumption. Cimentos da Beira captured approximately 18% of the Central Mozambique local cement market estimated at around 700 thousand tonnes a year. Although below our target market share, we refrained being drawn into aggressive marketing tactics for the sake of increasing sales volumes. Simultaneously to the local currency collapsing against the US dollar, realised cement prices in US dollar equivalent were under intense pressure throughout the year improving only marginally by year-end having bottomed out from record lows during September 2016. More frequent and successive industry wide price increases in local currency have yet to compensate fully for the sharp drop in the local currency against the US dollar and allow the industry to generate normalised cash margins which are customary in this business.

The operating performance of the plant has not raised any particular issues with efficiencies and usage factors improving steadily since the plant's commissioning at the end of 2015. Our staff in Beira are also working hard to obtain ISO 9001 accreditation for the plant which we expect to achieve before the end of 2017. This accreditation and certification of its products will allow Cimentos da Beira to supply cement to large public and private projects for which accreditation is a prerequisite. Despite constant efforts to reduce our cost base or milling at night so as to benefit from the low tariff structure, unit costs will decrease significantly only with the expected higher asset utilisation.

Board changes

Robert Adair who had served as Chairman and a member of the board of directors since February 2015, resigned as a non-executive Director of the Company. Robert decided that after steering the company through the merger with Consolidated General Minerals plc and the start-up of the cement plant in Mozambique it was an opportune time to step down. We would like to thank Robert for his valuable contribution to the Company over the last number of years and in particular during the time running up to the merger, and wish him well in the future. Martin Abbott was appointed as non-executive Chairman. In December 2016, Oliver Benz was appointed to the Board as a non-executive Director.


It is anticipated that the metal trading business will have run off all its positions and all staff will have been retrenched by mid-2017. At that point, all metal trading working capital will have been turned to cash.

The Sub-Saharan African economic outlook remains clouded despite some encouraging news such as Mozambique's gas production prospects that are shaping expectations for a growth recovery. With an improving commodity outlook, Mozambique's largest exports such as coal are beginning to show some colour. The challenge remains for the country to ensure that future wealth from these sectors is deployed efficiently to spur growth in the non "mega project" sector without corrupt practices undermining such efforts. Over the first quarter of 2017 cement demand in Central Mozambique contracted by approximately 9% compared to the first quarter of 2016. Adverse weather conditions are only part of the explanation as the sector continues to be affected by a high interest rate environment, reduced liquidity and little public spending on critical infrastructure. We remain cautiously optimistic as we enter the second half of 2017. Demand for cement in emerging economies customarily mirrors economic growth patterns and can be greatly exceeded during an infrastructure expansion. We expect that starting in 2018, projects to improve the country's derelict transport network and access to power will become significant drivers of the construction sector and hence spur demand for cement and concrete based products.

Cimentos da Beira continues to consolidate its business model and focus on improving distribution channels as well as operational efficiencies, targeting a 30 percent market share in Central Mozambique. Over the past year we have achieved a commercial transformation which has resulted in our products and services being differentiated and well received by end users despite the competitive landscape. Combined with the strengthening of the local currency by some 20% since the beginning of 2017, successive price increases implemented by the industry are slowly bringing cement price to levels customarily seen in neighboring countries. We therefore expect that barring unforeseen circumstances, cash margins for the industry should improve over the course of 2017. This will be further entrenched as we attempt to source locally approximately 30% of our raw material requirements instead of relying on imports.

We constantly review our strategy and the necessity to protect our capital base. This has proven to be difficult in the current environment. Also, we are of the opinion that a one-asset publicly quoted company is not a long term sustainable value proposition for our stakeholders. Accordingly, we continue to assess a number of strategies, investments and corporate transactions which we believe could assist the Group in protecting its capital base and improve its corporate profile.

   Martin Abbott                   Jean-Pierre Conrad 
   Chairman                            Chief Executive 

Ambrian plc

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

for the year ended 31 December 2016

                                         Year to 31               Year to 31 
                                           December                 December 
                                               2016                     2015 
                                         US $ 000's               US $ 000's 
 Turnover                                 1,047,187                1,897,528 
 Cost of Sales                          (1,045,970)              (1,902,214) 
                                       ------------  ----------------------- 
 Net revenue                                  1,217                  (4,686) 
 Investment portfolio gains                       -                      676 
                                       ------------  ----------------------- 
 Total income                                 1,217                  (4,010) 
                                       ------------  ----------------------- 
 Administrative expenses                    (7,256)                  (4,742) 
 Depreciation and impairment 
  expense                                  (23,490)                    (435) 
                                       ------------  ----------------------- 
 Total administrative expenses             (30,746)                  (5,177) 
                                       ------------  ----------------------- 
 Operating loss                            (29,529)                  (9,187) 
 Finance income                               1,479                      428 
 Finance costs                              (3,094)                    (601) 
                                       ------------  ----------------------- 
 Loss before tax                           (31,144)                  (9,360) 
 Taxation                                     6,740                    2,339 
                                       ------------  ----------------------- 
 Loss after tax                            (24,404)                  (7,021) 
                                       ============  ======================= 
 Other comprehensive income 
 Items that may be subsequently 
  reclassified to profit or 
 Exchange profit arising from 
  translation of foreign operations               -                       59 
                                       ------------  ----------------------- 
 Total other comprehensive 
  profit                                          -                       59 
                                       ------------  ----------------------- 
 Total comprehensive loss                  (24,404)                  (6,962) 
                                       ============  ======================= 
 (Loss) / profit attributable 
 Owners of the parent                      (20,709)                  (7,324) 
 Non-controlling interest                   (3,695)                      303 
                                       ------------  ----------------------- 
                                           (24,404)                  (7,021) 
                                       ------------  ----------------------- 
 Total comprehensive (loss) 
  / profit attributable to: 
 Owners of the parent                      (20,709)                  (7,265) 
 Non-controlling interest                   (3,695)                      303 
                                       ------------  ----------------------- 
                                           (24,404)                  (6,962) 
                                       ------------  ----------------------- 
 Earnings per share in USD 
 Basic earnings per share                    (8.57)                   (3.87) 
 Diluted earnings per share                  (8.57)                   (3.87) 

Ambrian plc

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

for the year ended 31 December 2016

                                                               Shares                                       Share                               to the 
                               Share      Capital    Merger        to                         Retained      based   Employee                     owner 
                     Share   premium   Redemption    relief        be   Treasury     Other   earnings/   payments    benefit   Exchange         of the    Non-controlling     Total 
                   capital   account      reserve   reserve    issued     shares   reserve    (losses)    reserve      trust    reserve         parent           interest    equity 
                        US      US $           US        US        US         US        US          US         US         US         US           US $                 US        US 
                   $ 000's     000's      $ 000's   $ 000's   $ 000's    $ 000's   $ 000's     $ 000's    $ 000's    $ 000's    $ 000's          000's            $ 000's   $ 000's 
 Balance at 
  31 December 
  2014              17,665    18,044            -         -         -    (1,986)         -         502      8,052   (11,446)    (1,626)         29,205               (58)    29,147 
                 ---------  --------  -----------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -----------------  -------- 
 Arising from 
  the business 
  AG                 2,455         -            -    26,066     1,477          -   (5,066)           -          -          -          -         24,932              6,944    31,876 
 Shares issue 
  costs                  -         -            -   (1,296)         -          -         -           -          -          -          -        (1,296)                  -   (1,296) 
  of options             -         -            -         -         -          -         -           -          -        576          -            576                  -       576 
  of Deferred 
  9p shares       (15,898)         -       15,898         -         -          -         -           -          -          -          -              -                  -         - 
 Share based 
  payment                -         -            -         -         -          -        86           -          -          -          -             86                  -        86 
 Profit / 
  (Loss) for 
  the year               -         -            -         -         -          -         -     (7,324)          -          -          -        (7,324)                303   (7,021) 
  adjustments            -         -            -         -         -          -         -           -          -          -         59             59                  -        59 
                 ---------  --------  -----------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -----------------  -------- 
  for the year           -         -            -         -         -          -         -     (7,324)          -          -         59        (7,265)                303   (6,962) 
                 ---------  --------  -----------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -----------------  -------- 
 Balance at 
  31 December 
  2015               4,222    18,044       15,898    24,770     1,477    (1,986)   (4,980)     (6,822)      8,052   (10,870)    (1,567)         46,238              7,189    53,427 
                 ---------  --------  -----------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -----------------  -------- 

Ambrian plc

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

for the year ended 31 December 2016 (continued)

                                                              Shares                                       Share                               to the 
                              Share      Capital    Merger        to                         Retained      based   Employee                     owner 
                    Share   premium   Redemption    relief        be   Treasury     Other   earnings/   payments    benefit   Exchange         of the    Non-controlling      Total 
                  capital   account      reserve   reserve    issued     shares   reserve    (losses)    reserve      trust    reserve         parent           interest     equity 
                       US      US $           US        US        US         US        US          US         US         US         US           US $                 US         US 
                  $ 000's     000's      $ 000's   $ 000's   $ 000's    $ 000's   $ 000's     $ 000's    $ 000's    $ 000's    $ 000's          000's            $ 000's    $ 000's 
 Balance at 
  31 December 
  2015              4,222    18,044       15,898    24,770     1,477    (1,986)   (4,980)     (6,822)      8,052   (10,870)    (1,567)         46,238              7,189     53,427 
  of shares           144     1,534            -         -   (1,477)          -     (201)           -          -          -          -              -                  -          - 
  cancellation      (303)         -            -         -         -          -       303           -          -          -          -              -                  -          - 
 Shares awarded 
  employees             -         -            -         -         -          -       190           -          -          -          -            190                  -        190 
  of options            -         -            -         -         -          -         -           -          -          7          -              7                  -          7 
 Loss for 
  the year              -         -            -         -         -          -         -    (20,709)          -          -          -       (20,709)            (3,695)   (24,404) 
                 --------  --------  -----------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -----------------  --------- 
  loss for 
  the year              -         -            -         -         -          -         -    (20,709)          -          -          -       (20,709)            (3,695)   (24,404) 
                 --------  --------  -----------  --------  --------  ---------  --------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------  -------------  -----------------  --------- 
 Balance at 
  31 December 
  2016              4,063    19,578       15,898    24,770         -    (1,986)   (4,688)    (27,531)      8,052   (10,863)    (1,567)         25,726              3,494     29,220 
                 ========  ========  ===========  ========  ========  =========  ========  ==========  =========  =========  =========  =============  =================  ========= 

Ambrian plc

Consolidated statement of financial position

at 31 December 2016

                                                    Year to 31                     Year to 31 
                                                 December 2016                  December 2015 
 ASSETS                                             US $ 000's                     US $ 000's 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and equipment                          54,217                         76,036 
 Deferred tax asset                                      2,184                          2,459 
                                    --------------------------  ----------------------------- 
                                                        56,401                         78,495 
 Current assets 
 Financial assets at fair 
  value through profit or loss                             150                          7,495 
 Inventory                                             156,215                        262,541 
 Trade and other receivables                            64,107                         60,083 
 Current tax receivable                                      -                            250 
 Cash and cash equivalents                               6,693                          9,823 
                                    --------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 Total assets                                          283,566                        418,687 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Long-term borrowings                                    (915)                       (21,376) 
 Deferred tax liability                                  (558)                        (7,554) 
                                    --------------------------  ----------------------------- 
                                                       (1,473)                       (28,930) 
 Current liabilities 
 Financial liabilities at 
  fair value through profit 
  or loss                                              (6,074)                        (2,675) 
 Short-term borrowings                               (171,448)                      (225,219) 
 Short-term liabilities under 
  sale and repurchase agreements                       (2,667)                       (43,745) 
 Trade and other payables                             (72,342)                       (64,691) 
 Provisions                                              (323)                              - 
 Current tax payable                                      (19)                              - 
                                    --------------------------  ----------------------------- 
 Total liabilities                                   (254,346)                      (365,260) 
 Total net assets                                       29,220                         53,427 
                                    ==========================  ============================= 

Ambrian plc

Consolidated statement of financial position

at 31 December 2016 (continued)

                                                          Year to 31 December 2016   Year to 31 December 2015 
 Capital and reserves 
 Share capital                                                               4,063                      4,222 
 Share premium                                                              19,578                     18,044 
 Capital Redemption reserve                                                 15,898                     15,898 
 Merger relief reserve                                                      24,770                     24,770 
 Shares to be issued                                                             -                      1,477 
 Treasury shares                                                           (1,986)                    (1,986) 
 Other reserve                                                             (4,688)                    (4,980) 
 Retained (losses)/earnings                                               (27,531)                    (6,822) 
 Employee benefit trust                                                   (10,863)                   (10,870) 
 Share-based payments reserve                                                8,052                      8,052 
 Exchange reserve                                                          (1,567)                    (1,567) 
 Total equity attributable to the owner of the parent                       25,726                     46,238 
 Non-controlling interest                                                    3,494                      7,189 
 Total equity                                                               29,220                     53,427 
                                                         =========================  ========================= 

Ambrian plc

Consolidated statement of cashflows

for the year ended 31 December 2016

                                                     Year to        Year 
                                                          31       to 31 
                                                    December    December 
                                                        2016        2015 
                                                  US $ 000's        US $ 
 Loss for the year                                  (24,404)     (7,021) 
 Adjustments for: 
 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment         2,204         435 
 Finance costs                                         3,094         601 
 Impairment of property, plant and equipment          21,286           - 
 Share-based payment expense                             190          72 
 Foreign exchange losses/(gains)                          72       (825) 
 Taxation expense                                    (6,740)     (2,339) 
 Realised gain on financial assets designated 
  at fair value                                            -       (676) 
 Decrease in inventories                             106,326      67,004 
 (Increase)/decrease in trade and other 
  receivables                                        (4,024)      22,377 
 Unrealised gains/(losses) on financial 
  liabilities at fair value                            3,399       (428) 
 Unrealised gains on financial assets 
  at fair value                                        7,345      11,115 
 Increase in trade and other payables                  7,974      12,545 
                                                 -----------  ---------- 
 Cash generated in operations                        116,722     102,860 
 Taxation received/(paid)                                288       (362) 
 Net cash flow generated in operating 
  activities                                         117,010     102,498 
                                                 -----------  ---------- 
 Investing activities 
 Net cash from acquisition of subsidiary 
  undertakings                                             -         424 
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment           (1,671)     (8,955) 
 Net cash used in investing activities               (1,671)     (8,531) 
                                                 -----------  ---------- 
 Financing activities 
 Share issue costs                                         -     (1,296) 
 Interest paid                                       (2,851)       (601) 
 Proceeds from issue of convertible loan 
  notes                                                    -       4,121 
 Proceeds received from the exercise of 
  options in Employee Benefit Trust                        -         576 
 Decrease in long-term borrowings                          -     (4,793) 
 Decrease in short-term liabilities under 
  sale and repurchase agreements                    (41,078)     (1,956) 
 Decrease in short-term borrowings                  (74,475)    (89,846) 
 Net cash (used)/generated in financing 
  activities                                       (118,404)    (93,795) 
                                                 -----------  ---------- 
 Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                        (3,065)         172 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning 
  of the year                                          9,823       9,661 
 Effect of foreign exchange rate differences 
  on cash and cash equivalents                          (65)        (10) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end 
  of the year                                          6,693       9,823 
                                                 ===========  ========== 
   1.    Basis of preparation 

The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute the Group's statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2016 or 2015 but is derived from those accounts. Statutory accounts for the 2015 have been delivered to the Registrar of the Companies, and those for 2016 will be delivered in due course.

The auditors have reported on those accounts; their reports were (i) unqualified, (ii) did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditors drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report and (iii) did not contain statements under section 498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. The results for the year ended 31 December 2016 were approved by the Board of Directors on 8 June 2017 and are audited.

While the financial information included in this preliminary announcement has been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement criteria of international Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS's) as endorsed for use in the European Union, this announcement does not itself contain sufficient information to comply with IFRS's. The accounting policies adopted in this announcement have been consistently applied and are consistent with the policies used in the preparation of the statutory accounts for the period ending 31 December 2016.

The consolidated financial statements of the Group have been prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 2006 and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as developed and published by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) as adopted by the European Union (EU).

Presentational currency

The financial statements have been presented in US Dollars which is the functional currency of the company.

   2.    Segmental analysis 

The Group has three reportable segments attributable to its continuing operations including Head office:

   --     Physical metals and minerals trading 
   --     Cement operations 

-- Head office costs relate to overheads incurred in connection with operating the public limited company, providing support functions to the Group.

The Investment portfolio segment has become insignificant during the year but is shown for comparative purposes. The measurement of the segmental revenue, profit before tax, capital expenditure, depreciation, total assets, total liabilities and net assets have been prepared using consistent accounting policies across the segments.

Factors that management used to identify the Group's reportable segments

The Group's reportable segments are strategic business units that offer different products and services. They are managed separately because each business requires different strategies.

Operating segments are reported in a manner consistent with the internal reporting provided to the chief operating decision-maker. The chief operating decision-maker has been identified as the management team including the Chief Executive, Chief Operating Officer and the Finance Director.

                                                     Cement   Investment 
                                      Trading    Operations    Portfolio   Head office costs         Total 
                                         2016          2016         2016                2016          2016 
                                   US $ 000's    US $ 000's   US $ 000's          US $ 000's    US $ 000's 
 Turnover                           1,037,175        10,012            -                   -     1,047,187 
 Cost of Sales                    (1,036,773)       (9,197)            -                   -   (1,045,970) 
                                 ------------  ------------  -----------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Gross margin                             402           815            -                   -         1,217 
 Administrative expenses              (1,628)       (1,063)            -                (30)       (2,721) 
 Employment costs                     (2,455)       (1,012)            -             (1,068)       (4,535) 
                                 ------------  ------------  -----------  ------------------ 
 EBITDA                               (3,681)       (1,260)            -             (1,098)       (6,039) 
                                 ============  ============  ===========  ================== 
 Depreciation and impairment 
  expense                                                                                         (23,490) 
 Finance income                                                                                      1,479 
 Finance cost                                                                                      (3,094) 
 Loss before tax                                                                                  (31,144) 
                                         2015          2015         2015                2015          2015 
                                   US $ 000's    US $ 000's   US $ 000's          US $ 000's    US $ 000's 
 Turnover                           1,895,451         2,077            -                   -     1,897,528 
 Cost of Sales                    (1,900,327)       (1,887)            -                   -   (1,902,214) 
 Revenue                                    -             -          676                   -           676 
                                 ------------  ------------  -----------  ------------------  ------------ 
 Gross margin                         (4,876)           190          676                   -       (4,010) 
 Administrative expenses              (1,753)         1,406            -             (1,087)       (1,434) 
 Employment costs                     (2,196)          (37)            -             (1,075)       (3,308) 
                                 ------------  ------------  -----------  ------------------ 
 EBITDA                               (8,825)         1,559          676             (2,162)       (8,752) 
                                 ============  ============  ===========  ================== 
 Depreciation and impairment 
  expense                                                                                            (435) 
 Finance income                                                                                        428 
 Finance cost                                                                                        (601) 
 Loss before tax                                                                                   (9,360) 
                         Year to 31 December   Year to 31 December 
                                        2016                  2015 
                                  US $ 000's            US $ 000's 
 Loss before tax 
 Trading                             (3,977)               (8,917) 
 Cement operations                  (27,024)                   669 
 Investment portfolio                      -                   676 
 Head office costs                     (143)               (1,788) 
                                    (31,144)               (9,360) 
                        ====================  ==================== 
 Geographical split of Total income for the Group where > 10% per region 
                                                 Year to 31 December 2016   Year to 31 December 2015 
                                                               US $ 000's                 US $ 000's 
                                                                 Turnover                   Turnover 
 Eastern Asia                                                     535,923                  1,035,593 
 Western Asia                                                     313,312                    533,706 
 Other                                                            197,952                    328,229 
 Major customers of the Group where individually >10% of Total income 
                                                 Year to 31 December 2016   Year to 31 December 2015 
                                                               US $ 000's                 US $ 000's 
                                                                 Customer                   Customer 
 Customer A (attributable to Trading segment)                      97,387                    302,002 
 Other                                                            949,800                  1,595,526 
                                             Year to 31 December 2016   Year to 31 December 2015 
                                                           US $ 000's                 US $ 000's 
 Investment portfolio losses represents: 
 Unrealised gains on financial assets 
  designated at fair value                                          -                        676 
                                                                    -                        676 
 ====================================================================  ========================= 
                                         Year to 31 December 2016   Year to 31 December 2015 
                                                       US $ 000's                 US $ 000's 
 Depreciation and impairment expense: 
 Trading                                                      294                         93 
 Cement operations                                         23,196                        342 
 Investment portfolio                                           -                          - 
 Head office                                                    -                          - 
                                                           23,490                        435 
                                        =========================  ========================= 
                                   Year to 31 December 2016   Year to 31 December 2015 
                                                 US $ 000's                 US $ 000's 
 Non-current assets by country: 
 Mozambique                                          56,285                     76,161 
 United Kingdom                                         109                      2,328 
 China                                                    7                          6 
                                                     56,401                     78,495 
                                  =========================  ========================= 
                         As at 31 December 2016   As at 31 December 2015 
                                     US $ 000's               US $ 000's 
 Total assets 
 Trading                                219,869                  336,194 
 Cement operations                       63,237                   82,170 
 Investment portfolio                       150                      179 
 Head office                                310                      144 
                        -----------------------  ----------------------- 
                                        283,566                  418,687 
                        =======================  ======================= 
 Total liabilities 
 Trading                                217,034                  322,863 
 Cement operations                       35,437                   28,538 
 Investment portfolio                         -                        - 
 Head office                              1,875                    3,859 
                        -----------------------  ----------------------- 
                                        254,346                  365,260 
                        =======================  ======================= 

3. Earnings per ordinary share

The calculation of the basic earnings per share is based on the earnings attributable to ordinary shareholders divided by the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year, excluding shares held in the Employee Benefit Trust at 31 December 2016 of 6,259,046 (2015: 6,259,046), Treasury shares at 31 December 2016 of 4,500,058 (2015: 4,500,058) and Non-treasury shares at 31 December 2016 of 8,484,467 (2015: 28,812,192).

The calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on the basic earnings per share adjusted to allow for the issue of shares through the share option schemes on the assumed conversion of all dilutive options.

Reconciliations of the earnings and weighted average number of shares in the calculations are set out below. Diluted earnings per share has not been calculated as the Company is loss making. The loss attributable to the owners of the Company used in the calculation below is that presented in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income.

                                                           Year to 31 December 2016   Year to 31 December 2015 
                                                                         US $ 000's                 US $ 000's 
 Loss attributable to shareholders                                         (20,709)                    (7,324) 
 Diluted loss attributable to shareholders                                 (20,709)                    (7,324) 
 Weighted average number of shares                                      241,673,620                189,044,366 
 Dilutive effect of convertible loan notes and warrants                  66,675,000                 66,675,000 
 Basic earnings per share US $ cents                                         (8.57)                     (3.87) 
 Diluted earnings per share US $ cents                                       (8.57)                     (3.87) 

4. Non-controlling interest

The non-controlling interest ("NCI") disclosed in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income and consolidated statement of financial position at 31 December 2016 is represented by

 Names of entity with NCI        Cimentos da Beira Limitada 
 Principal place of business 
  of subsidiary                  Beira, Mozambique 
                                      2016           2015 
 Proportion of ownership held 
  by NCI                              20%             20% 
 Proportion of voting rights 
  held by NCI                          0%             0% 
 (Loss)/profit attributed to 
  NCI in US $ 000's                 (3,695)           252 
 Accumulated NCI value at in 
  US $ 000's                         3,494           7,197 
 Dividends paid to NCI                 -               - 
                                   US $ 000's      US $ 000s 
 Non-current assets                  55,518         75,394 
 Current assets                      6,868           5,983 
 Non-current liabilities               -           (20,496) 
 Current liabilities                (37,944)       (21,068) 
 Turnover                            10,012          2,077 
 (Loss)/profit for the year         (18,474)         1,263 
 Total comprehensive income 
  for the year                      (18,474)         1,263 

The 20% economic interest in Cimentos da Beira ("CdB"), is held by the Industrial Development Corporation of South Africa Limited ("IDC") by means of a convertible loan agreement whereby the IDC has an option to subscribe for 20% of the issued share capital of CdB following the repayment of the IDC loans by CdB. The IDC has a right to 20% of any dividends declared by CdB until such time that it holds no financial interest in CdB.

There is a 20% minority interest in Ambrian Resources AG held by shareholders other than Ambrian plc.

5. Metals Trading Business

In October 2016, the Group decided to close the metals trading business with a gradual run-down of all open contracts. The segment was not technically a discontinued operation or classified as held-of-sale at 31 December 2016 and therefore no reclassifications have been made in the financial statements. The disclosure below shows the statement of comprehensive income of the metals trading business included in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income.

                     Year to 31 December   Year to 31 December 
                                    2016                  2015 
                              US $ 000's            US $ 000's 
 Turnover                      1,037,175             1,895,451 
 Cost of Sales               (1,036,773)           (1,900,327) 
                            ------------  -------------------- 
 Net revenue                         402               (4,876) 
 Administrative expenses         (4,378)               (4,041) 
                            ------------  -------------------- 
 Operating loss                  (3,976)               (8,917) 
 Finance income                        -                     - 
 Finance costs                         -                     - 
                            ------------  -------------------- 
 Loss before tax                 (3,976)               (8,917) 
 Taxation                        (1,964)                 1,843 
                            ------------  -------------------- 
 Loss for the year               (5,940)               (7,074) 
                            ============  ==================== 
   The loss from the metals trading business of $5,940,000 
   (2015: $7,074,000) is attributable entirely to the 
   owners of the Company. Once the metals trading business 
   has been run-down, the financial position of the 
   Group should be as follows:                                        As at 31 December 
    ASSETS                                        US $ 000's 
    Non-current assets 
    Property, plant and equipment                     54,102 
    Deferred tax asset                                 2,184 
    Current assets 
    Inventory                                          2,997 
    Trade and other receivables                        3,513 
    Cash and cash equivalents                          3,692 
    Total assets                                      66,488 
    Non-current liabilities 
    Long-term borrowings                               (915) 
    Deferred tax liability                             (558) 
    Current liabilities 
    Financial liabilities at fair value 
     through profit or loss                            (801) 
    Short-term borrowings                           (29,053) 
    Trade and other payables                         (5,920) 
    Current tax payable                                 (21) 
    Total liabilities                               (37,268) 
    Total net assets                                  29,220 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



(END) Dow Jones Newswires

June 09, 2017 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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